Source code for cannabis_reports.apis.strains

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-TODAY LasLabs Inc.
# License MIT (

from .abstract_item_endpoint import AbstractItemEndpoint

from ..models.seed_company import SeedCompany
from ..models.strain import Strain

[docs]class Strains(AbstractItemEndpoint): """This represents the ``Strains`` Endpoint. """ __object__ = Strain __endpoint__ = 'strains'
[docs] @classmethod def search(cls, session, query, sort='name', path='search', limit=None): """Gets products for a given strain with optional sorting. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. query (str): The search query. sort (str): Snake cased field name to sort on. Prefix with a `-` for descending. path (str): The path for the search (eg for ``strains`` it is ``search`` and for ``extracts`` it is ``type``. limit (int, optional): Stop after iterating this many pages. Returns: RequestPaginator(output_type=cannabis_reports.models.Extract): An iterator of parent extracts. """ return super(Strains, cls).search(session, query, sort, path, limit)
[docs] @classmethod def get_seed_company(cls, session, ucpc): """Get the seed company that was responsible for a cannabis strain. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. ucpc (str): `UCPC < v1.0/docs/ucpc-universal-cannabis-product-code>`_ for the cannabis strain you want the seed company from. Returns: cannabis_reports.models.SeedCompany: The seed company that was responsible for this strain. """ return cls( '/strains/%s/seedCompany' % ucpc, session=session, out_type=SeedCompany, singleton=True, )
[docs] @classmethod def get_genetics(cls, session, ucpc): """Gets the strains that were the parent material for the strain with the given UCPC. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. ucpc (str): `UCPC < v1.0/docs/ucpc-universal-cannabis-product-code>`_ for the cannabis strain you want the genetics from. Returns: RequestPaginator(output_type=cannabis_reports.models.Strain): An iterator of parent strains. """ return cls( '/strains/%s/genetics' % ucpc, session=session, )
[docs] @classmethod def get_children(cls, session, ucpc, limit=None): """Get the child strains that this one has been bred into. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. ucpc (str): `UCPC < v1.0/docs/ucpc-universal-cannabis-product-code>`_ for the cannabis strain you want the children from. limit (int, optional): Stop after iterating this many pages. Returns: RequestPaginator(output_type=cannabis_reports.models.Strain): An iterator of child strains. """ return cls( '/strains/%s/children' % ucpc, session=session, iteration_limit=limit, )