Source code for cannabis_reports.base_api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-TODAY LasLabs Inc.
# License MIT (

from .base_model import BaseModel
from .request_paginator import RequestPaginator

[docs]class BaseApi(object): """This is the API interface object to be implemented by API adapters. It acts as a collection for the API object that it represents, passing through iteration to the API's request paginator. Attributes: BASE_URI (str): CannabisReports API URI base. paginator (RequestPaginator): Object to use for producing an iterator representing multiple requests (API response pages). Created on init. __object__ (cannabis_reports.models.BaseModel): Model object that API represents. """ BASE_URI = '' # This should be replaced in child classes with the correct model. __object__ = BaseModel # This should be replaced with the endpoint, such as ``strains`` __endpoint__ = None # This is set within new, after the object has been created. paginator = None def __new__(cls, endpoint, data=None, request_type=RequestPaginator.GET, singleton=False, session=None, out_type=None, iteration_limit=None): """Create a new API object. Args: endpoint (str): The API endpoint that this represents. ``BASE_URI`` will be prepended, with no slashes added. data (dict, optional): Data to send with the request. request_type (str, optional): Type of request (``GET or ``POST``). Defaults to ``GET``. singleton (bool, optional): Set this to ``True`` to assert that there is not more than one result, and return the first result (or ``None`` if there is no result). session (requests.Session, optional): An authenticated requests session to use. out_type (BaseModel, optional): If set, this object will be used for the creation of the models, instead of the one set in ``cls.__object__``. iteration_limit (int, optional): Limit of pages that can be iterated. Raises: CannabisReportsRemoteException: If ``singleton`` is ``True``, but the remote API responds with more than one result. Returns: BaseApi: An instance of an API object, if ``singleton`` is ``False``. BaseModel: An instance of a Model, if ``singleton`` is ``True`` and there are results. None: If ``singleton`` is ``True`` and there are no results. """ if out_type is None: out_type = cls.__object__ paginator = RequestPaginator( endpoint='%s%s' % (cls.BASE_URI, endpoint), data=data, output_type=out_type.from_api, request_type=request_type, session=session, iteration_limit=iteration_limit, ) if singleton: results = if not results: return None return out_type.from_api(**results) obj = super(BaseApi, cls).__new__(cls) obj.paginator = paginator return obj def __iter__(self): """Pass through iteration to the API response.""" for row in self.paginator: yield row raise StopIteration()
[docs] @classmethod def new_object(cls, data): """Return a new object of the correct type from the data. Args: data (dict): Data dictionary that should be converted to an object. It can use either camelCase keys or snake_case. Returns: BaseModel: A model of the type declared in ``cls.__object__``. """ return cls.__object__.from_api(**data)
# Universal endpoints
[docs] @classmethod def list(cls, session, sort='created_at', descending=False, limit=None): """Return all objects, with optional sorting. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. sort (str): Column to sort by. One of: * ``created_at`` * ``updated_at`` * ``name`` descending (bool, optional): Set to True to put newest records at the top. limit (int, optional): Stop after iterating this many pages. Returns: RequestPaginator(output_type=cls.__object__): Objects iterator. """ sort = BaseModel._to_camel_case(sort) if descending: sort = '-%s' % sort return cls( '/%s' % cls.__endpoint__, data={'sort': sort}, session=session, iteration_limit=limit, )
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, session, ucpc): """Gets an individual object based on the UCPC. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. ucpc (str): `UCPC < v1.0/docs/ucpc-universal-cannabis-product-code>`_ for the cannabis object you want information about. Returns: cls.__object__: The object that was found. """ return cls( '/%s/%s' % (cls.__endpoint__, ucpc), session=session, singleton=True, )