Source code for cannabis_reports.tests.api_common

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-TODAY LasLabs Inc.
# License MIT (

import unittest

from os.path import dirname, join

from vcr import VCR

from .. import CannabisReports

recorder = VCR(
    cassette_library_dir=join(dirname(__file__), 'fixtures/cassettes'),

[docs]class ApiCommon(unittest.TestCase): LIMIT_LIST = 10 LIMIT_PAGE = 2 # Subclasses must define this, such as ``self.api.Edibles`` endpoint = None # Subclasses must define this, typically a UCPC UID = None
[docs] def setUp(self): super(ApiCommon, self).setUp() self.api = CannabisReports()
def _test_apis_objects_list(self, expect_class): """It should parse the response and return the proper object.""" result_count = 0 for result in self.endpoint.list(limit=self.LIMIT_PAGE): self.assertIsInstance(result, expect_class) result_count += 1 self.assertEqual(result_count, self.LIMIT_LIST * self.LIMIT_PAGE) def _test_apis_objects_get(self, expect_name): """It should return the proper singleton.""" result = self.endpoint.get(self.UID) self.assertEqual(, expect_name)