carepoint.db package


carepoint.db.carepoint module

class carepoint.db.carepoint.Carepoint(server, user, passwd, smb_user=None, smb_passwd=None, db_args=None, **engine_args)[source]

Bases: dict

Base CarePoint db connector object


alias of Base

DEFAULT_DB = 'cph'
FILTERS = {'>=': <built-in function ge>, '==': <built-in function eq>, '<=': <built-in function le>, '=': <built-in function eq>, '<': <built-in function lt>, '>': <built-in function gt>}
create(model_obj, vals)[source]

Wrapper to create a record in Carepoint :param model_obj: Table class to create with :type model_obj: sqlalchemy.schema.Table :param vals: Data to create record with :type vals: dict :rtype: sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.Declarative

delete(model_obj, record_id)[source]

Wrapper to delete a record in Carepoint :param model_obj: Table class to update :type model_obj: sqlalchemy.schema.Table :param record_id: Id of record to manipulate :type record_id: int :return: Whether the record was found, and deleted :rtype: bool


Traverse registered model directory and import non-loaded modules


Return a file-like object for the SMB path

Parameters:path:type:`str` SMB path to fetch
Returns::type:`file` File interface object representing remote resource
get_next_sequence(sequence_name, db_name='cph')[source]

It generates and returns the next int in sequence Params:

sequence_name: str Name of the sequence in Carepoint DB db_name: str Name of DB containing sequence stored proc
Returns:Integer to use as pk

Return the Primary keys in the model :param model_obj: Table class to update :type model_obj: sqlalchemy.schema.Table :return: Tuple of primary key name strings :rtype: tuple


Reimplement items to allow for optional model refresh


Reimplement iteritems to allow for optional model refresh


Reimplement iterkeys to allow for optional model refresh


Reimplement itervalues to allow for optional model refresh


Reimplement keys to allow for optional model refresh

model_path = '/home/travis/build/LasLabs/python-carepoint/carepoint/db/../models'
read(model_obj, record_id, with_entities=None)[source]

Get record by id and return the object :param model_obj: Table class to search :type model_obj: sqlalchemy.Table :param record_id: Id of record to manipulate :param with_entities: Attributes to rcv from db. None for * :type with_entities: list or None :param with_entities: List of col names to select, None for all :type with_entities: list or None :rtype: sqlalchemy.engine.ResultProxy


Registration logic + append to models struct :param model_obj: Model object to register :type model_obj: sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.Declarative


This function sets the model path to be searched :param model_path: Path of models :type model_path: str

search(model_obj, filters=None, with_entities=None)[source]

Search table by filters and return records :param model_obj: Table class to search :type model_obj: sqlalchemy.schema.Table :param filters: Filters to apply to search :type filters: dict or None :param with_entities: List of col names to select, None for all :type with_entities: list or None :rtype: sqlalchemy.engine.ResultProxy

send_file(path, file_obj)[source]

Send a file-like object to the SMB path


:type:`bool` Success


Toggle flag to search for new models before iteration :param refresh: Whether to refresh before iteration :type refresh: bool

update(model_obj, record_id, vals)[source]

Wrapper to update a record in Carepoint :param model_obj: Table class to update :type model_obj: sqlalchemy.schema.Table :param record_id: Id of record to manipulate :type record_id: int :param vals: Data to create record with :type vals: dict :rtype: sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.Declarative


Reimplement values to allow for optional model refresh

carepoint.db.db module

class carepoint.db.db.Db[source]

Bases: object

Base db connector object

SQLITE = 'sqlite'

Module contents