Source code for cfssl.tests.test_cfssl

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016 LasLabs Inc.
# License MIT (

import logging
import mock
import unittest

from ..cfssl import (CFSSL,
from cfssl import cfssl

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from cfssl import CertificateRequest
except ImportError:'CFSSL Python library not installed.')

[docs]class TestCFSSL(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TestCFSSL, self).setUp() self.cfssl = CFSSL('test', 1)
[docs] def test_uri_base_https(self): """ It should have an HTTP URI by default """ self.assertIn('https://', self.cfssl.uri_base)
[docs] def test_uri_base_http(self): """ It should have an HTTP URI if someone decides to be crazy """ cfssl = CFSSL('test', 1, False) self.assertIn('http://', cfssl.uri_base)
[docs] @mock.patch.object(CFSSL, 'call') def test_auth_sign(self, call): """ It should call with proper args """ expect = { 'token': 'token', 'request': mock.MagicMock(), } self.cfssl.auth_sign(**expect) expect['request'] = expect['request'].to_api() call.assert_called_once_with( 'authsign', 'POST', data=expect )
[docs] @mock.patch.object(CFSSL, 'call') def test_bundle(self, call): """ It should call with proper args """ expect = { 'certificate': 'certificate', 'flavor': 'flavor', } self.cfssl.bundle(**expect) call.assert_called_once_with( 'bundle', 'POST', data=expect )
[docs] @mock.patch.object(CFSSL, 'call') def test_info(self, call): """ It should call with proper args """ expect = { 'label': 'label', }**expect) call.assert_called_once_with( 'info', 'POST', data=expect )
[docs] @mock.patch.object(CFSSL, 'call') def test_init_ca(self, call): """ It should call with proper args """ csr_vals = { 'hosts': [mock.MagicMock()], 'names': [mock.MagicMock()], 'common_name': 'cn', 'key': mock.MagicMock(), } csr = CertificateRequest(**csr_vals) expect = {'ca': mock.MagicMock(), 'certificate_request': csr} self.cfssl.init_ca(**expect) expect.update(csr_vals) expect['CN'] = 'cn' del expect['common_name'] del expect['certificate_request'] expect['hosts'][0] = expect['hosts'][0].to_api() expect['names'][0] = expect['names'][0].to_api() expect['key'] = expect['key'].to_api() expect['ca'] = expect['ca'].to_api() call.assert_called_once_with( 'init_ca', 'POST', data=expect )
[docs] @mock.patch.object(CFSSL, 'call') def test_new_key(self, call): """ It should call with proper args """ expect = { 'hosts': [mock.MagicMock()], 'names': [mock.MagicMock()], 'common_name': 'cn', 'ca': mock.MagicMock(), 'key': mock.MagicMock(), } self.cfssl.new_key(**expect) expect['CN'] = 'cn' del expect['common_name'] expect['hosts'][0] = expect['hosts'][0].to_api() expect['names'][0] = expect['names'][0].to_api() expect['ca'] = expect['ca'].to_api() expect['key'] = expect['key'].to_api() call.assert_called_once_with( 'newkey', 'POST', data=expect )
[docs] @mock.patch.object(CFSSL, 'call') def test_new_cert(self, call): """ It should call with proper args """ expect = { 'request': mock.MagicMock(), 'label': 'label', } self.cfssl.new_cert(**expect) expect['request'] = expect['request'].to_api() call.assert_called_once_with( 'newcert', 'POST', data=expect )
[docs] @mock.patch.object(CFSSL, 'call') def test_revoke(self, call): """ It should call with proper args """ expect = { 'serial': 'Ben-S', 'authority_key_id': 'REVOKE!', 'reason': 'The derphead lost it', } self.cfssl.revoke(**expect) call.assert_called_once_with( 'revoke', 'POST', data=expect )
[docs] @mock.patch.object(CFSSL, 'call') def test_scan(self, call): """ It should call with proper args """ expect = { 'host': mock.MagicMock(), } self.cfssl.scan(**expect) expect['host'] = expect['host'].to_api() call.assert_called_once_with( 'scan', params=expect )
[docs] @mock.patch.object(CFSSL, 'call') def test_scan_info(self, call): """ It should call with proper args """ self.cfssl.scan_info() call.assert_called_once_with('scaninfo')
[docs] @mock.patch.object(CFSSL, 'call') def test_sign(self, call): """ It should call with proper args """ expect = { 'certificate_request': mock.MagicMock(), 'hosts': [mock.MagicMock()], 'profile': mock.MagicMock(), } self.cfssl.sign(**expect) expect['certificate_request'] = \ expect['certificate_request'].to_api() expect['hosts'][0] = expect['hosts'][0].to_api() expect['profile'] = expect['profile'].to_api() call.assert_called_once_with( 'sign', 'POST', data=expect )
[docs] @mock.patch.object(requests, 'request') def test_call_request(self, requests): """ It should call requests with proper args """'endpoint', 'method', 'params', 'data') requests.assert_called_once_with( method='method', url='https://test:1/api/v1/cfssl/endpoint', params='params', json='data', verify=True, )
[docs] @mock.patch.object(requests, 'request') def test_call_error(self, requests): """ It should raise on non-success response """ requests().json.return_value = {'success': False} with self.assertRaises(CFSSLRemoteException):'None')
[docs] @mock.patch.object(requests, 'request') def test_call_success(self, requests): """ It should return result on success response """ requests().json.return_value = {'success': True, 'result': 'result'} res = self.assertEqual(res, 'result')
[docs] @mock.patch.object(cfssl, 'log') @mock.patch.object(requests, 'request') def test_log_messages(self, requests, log): """ It should return result on success response """ requests().json.return_value = {'success': True, 'messages': [ {'message': 'some message', 'code': 5000}, {'code': 5001}, {'message': 'message only'}, 'another message'], 'result': 'result'} res = self.assertEqual(res, 'result') log.warning.assert_any_call('some message (5000)') log.warning.assert_any_call('<undefined message> (5001)') log.warning.assert_any_call('message only') log.warning.assert_any_call('another message')
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()