Source code for five9.environment

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-TODAY LasLabs Inc.
# License MIT (

from .exceptions import ValidationError

[docs]class Api(object): """This is a set of decorators for model validators."""
[docs] @staticmethod def model(method): """Use this to decorate methods that expect a model.""" def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.__model__ is None: raise ValidationError( 'You cannot perform CRUD operations without selecting a ' 'model first.', ) return method(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs] @staticmethod def recordset(method): """Use this to decorate methods that expect a record set.""" def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.__records__ is None: raise ValidationError( 'There are no records in the set.', ) return method(self, *args, **kwargs) return Api.model(wrapper)
[docs]class Environment(object): """Represents a container for models with a back-reference to Five9. """ # The authenticated ``five9.Five9`` object. __five9__ = None # A dictionary of models, keyed by class name. __models__ = None # The currently selected model. __model__ = None # A list of records represented by this environment. __records__ = None # The current record represented by this environment. __record__ = None @classmethod def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Find and cache all model objects, if not already done.""" if cls.__models__ is None: models = __import__('five9').models cls.__models__ = { model: getattr(models, model) for model in models.__all__ if not model.startswith('_') } return object.__new__(cls) def __init__(self, five9, model=None, records=None): """Instantiate a new environment.""" self.__five9__ = five9 self.__model__ = model self.__records__ = records def __getattribute__(self, item): try: return super(Environment, self).__getattribute__(item) except AttributeError: return self.__class__(self.__five9__, self.__models__[item]) @Api.recordset def __iter__(self): """Pass iteration through to the records. Yields: BaseModel: The next record in the iterator. Raises: StopIterationError: When all records have been iterated. """ for record in self.__records__: self.__record__ = record yield record raise StopIteration()
[docs] @Api.model def create(self, data, refresh=False): """Create the data on the remote, optionally refreshing.""" self.__model__.create(self.__five9__, data) if refresh: return[self.__model__.__name__]) else: return
[docs] @Api.model def new(self, data): """Create a new memory record, but do not create on the remote.""" data = self.__model__._get_non_empty_dict(data) return self.__class__( self.__five9__, self.__model__, records=[self.__model__.deserialize(data)], )
[docs] @Api.model def read(self, external_id): """Perform a lookup on the current model for the provided external ID. """ return, external_id)
[docs] @Api.recordset def write(self): """Write the records to the remote.""" return self._iter_call('write')
[docs] @Api.recordset def delete(self): """Delete the records from the remote.""" return self._iter_call('delete')
[docs] @Api.model def search(self, filters): """Search Five9 given a filter. Args: filters (dict): A dictionary of search strings, keyed by the name of the field to search. Returns: Environment: An environment representing the recordset. """ records =, filters) return self.__class__( self.__five9__, self.__model__, records, )
@Api.recordset def _iter_call(self, method_name): return [ getattr(r, method_name)(self.__five9__) for r in self.__records__ ]