Source code for helpscout.apis.conversations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-TODAY LasLabs Inc.
# License MIT (

from .. import BaseApi

from ..models.attachment import Attachment
from ..models.attachment_data import AttachmentData
from ..models.conversation import Conversation
from ..models.search_conversation import SearchConversation

from ..request_paginator import RequestPaginator

[docs]class Conversations(BaseApi): """This represents the ``Conversations`` Endpoint. The following aspects are implemented: * `List Conversations <>`_ (:func:`helpscout.apis.conversations.Conversations.list`) * `Search Conversations <>`_ (:func:``) * `Get Conversation <>`_ (:func:`helpscout.apis.conversations.Conversations.get`) * `Create Conversation <>`_ (:func:`helpscout.apis.conversations.Conversations.create`) * `Update Conversation <>`_ (:func:`helpscout.apis.conversations.Conversations.update`) * `Delete Conversation <>`_ (:func:`helpscout.apis.conversations.Conversations.delete`) * `Create Thread < create-thread/>`_ (:func:`helpscout.apis.conversations.Conversations.create_thread`) * `Update Thread < update-thread/>`_ (:func:`helpscout.apis.conversations.Conversations.update_thread`) * `Get Attachment Data <>`_ (:func:`helpscout.apis.conversations.Conversations.get_attachment_data`) * `Create Attachment <>`_ (:func:`helpscout.apis.conversations.Conversations.create_attachment`) * `Delete Attachment <>`_ (:func:`helpscout.apis.conversations.Conversations.delete_attachment`) """ __object__ = Conversation __endpoint__ = 'conversations'
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, session, record, imported=False, auto_reply=False): """Create a conversation. Please note that conversation cannot be created with more than 100 threads, if attempted the API will respond with HTTP 412. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. record (helpscout.models.Conversation): The conversation to be created. imported (bool, optional): The ``imported`` request parameter enables conversations to be created for historical purposes (i.e. if moving from a different platform, you can import your history). When ``imported`` is set to ``True``, no outgoing emails or notifications will be generated. auto_reply (bool): The ``auto_reply`` request parameter enables auto replies to be sent when a conversation is created via the API. When ``auto_reply`` is set to ``True``, an auto reply will be sent as long as there is at least one ``customer`` thread in the conversation. Returns: helpscout.models.Conversation: Newly created conversation. """ return super(Conversations, cls).create( session, record, imported=imported, auto_reply=auto_reply, )
[docs] @classmethod def create_attachment(cls, session, attachment): """Create an attachment. An attachment must be sent to the API before it can be used in a thread. Use this method to create the attachment, then use the resulting hash when creating a thread. Note that HelpScout only supports attachments of 10MB or lower. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. attachment (helpscout.models.Attachment): The attachment to be created. Returns: helpscout.models.Attachment: The newly created attachment (hash property only). Use this hash when associating the attachment with a new thread. """ return super(Conversations, cls).create( session, attachment, endpoint_override='/attachments.json', out_type=Attachment, )
[docs] @classmethod def create_thread(cls, session, conversation, thread, imported=False): """Create a conversation thread. Please note that threads cannot be added to conversations with 100 threads (or more), if attempted the API will respond with HTTP 412. Args: conversation (helpscout.models.Conversation): The conversation that the thread is being added to. session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. thread (helpscout.models.Thread): The thread to be created. imported (bool, optional): The ``imported`` request parameter enables conversations to be created for historical purposes (i.e. if moving from a different platform, you can import your history). When ``imported`` is set to ``True``, no outgoing emails or notifications will be generated. Returns: helpscout.models.Conversation: Conversation including newly created thread. """ return super(Conversations, cls).create( session, thread, endpoint_override='/conversations/%s.json' %, imported=imported, )
[docs] @classmethod def delete_attachment(cls, session, attachment): """Delete an attachment. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. attachment (helpscout.models.Attachment): The attachment to be deleted. Returns: NoneType: Nothing. """ return super(Conversations, cls).delete( session, attachment, endpoint_override='/attachments/%s.json' %, out_type=Attachment, )
[docs] @classmethod def find_customer(cls, session, mailbox, customer): """Return conversations for a specific customer in a mailbox. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. mailbox (helpscout.models.Mailbox): Mailbox to search. customer (helpscout.models.Customer): Customer to search for. Returns: RequestPaginator(output_type=helpscout.models.Conversation): Conversations iterator. """ return cls( '/mailboxes/%d/customers/%s/conversations.json' % (,, ), session=session, )
[docs] @classmethod def find_user(cls, session, mailbox, user): """Return conversations for a specific user in a mailbox. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. mailbox (helpscout.models.Mailbox): Mailbox to search. user (helpscout.models.User): User to search for. Returns: RequestPaginator(output_type=helpscout.models.Conversation): Conversations iterator. """ return cls( '/mailboxes/%d/users/%s/conversations.json' % (,, ), session=session, )
[docs] @classmethod def get_attachment_data(cls, session, attachment_id): """Return a specific attachment's data. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. attachment_id (int): The ID of the attachment from which to get data. Returns: helpscout.models.AttachmentData: An attachment data singleton, if existing. Otherwise ``None``. """ return cls( '/attachments/%d/data.json' % attachment_id, singleton=True, session=session, out_type=AttachmentData, )
[docs] @classmethod def list(cls, session, mailbox): """Return conversations in a mailbox. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. mailbox (helpscout.models.Mailbox): Mailbox to list. Returns: RequestPaginator(output_type=helpscout.models.Conversation): Conversations iterator. """ endpoint = '/mailboxes/%d/conversations.json' % return super(Conversations, cls).list(session, endpoint)
[docs] @classmethod def list_folder(cls, session, mailbox, folder): """Return conversations in a specific folder of a mailbox. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. mailbox (helpscout.models.Mailbox): Mailbox that folder is in. folder (helpscout.models.Folder): Folder to list. Returns: RequestPaginator(output_type=helpscout.models.Conversation): Conversations iterator. """ return cls( '/mailboxes/%d/folders/%s/conversations.json' % (,, ), session=session, )
[docs] @classmethod def search(cls, session, queries): """Search for a conversation given a domain. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. queries (helpscout.models.Domain or iter): The queries for the domain. If a ``Domain`` object is provided, it will simply be returned. Otherwise, a ``Domain`` object will be generated from the complex queries. In this case, the queries should conform to the interface in :func:`helpscout.domain.Domain.from_tuple`. Returns: RequestPaginator(output_type=helpscout.models.SearchCustomer): SearchCustomer iterator. """ return super(Conversations, cls).search( session, queries, SearchConversation, )
[docs] @classmethod def update_thread(cls, session, conversation, thread): """Update a thread. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. conversation (helpscout.models.Conversation): The conversation that the thread belongs to. thread (helpscout.models.Thread): The thread to be updated. Returns: helpscout.models.Conversation: Conversation including freshly updated thread. """ data = thread.to_api() data['reload'] = True return cls( '/conversations/%s/threads/%d.json' % (,, ), data=data, request_type=RequestPaginator.PUT, singleton=True, session=session, )