Source code for helpscout.apis.customers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-TODAY LasLabs Inc.
# License MIT (

from .. import BaseApi

from ..models.customer import Customer
from ..models.search_customer import SearchCustomer

[docs]class Customers(BaseApi): """This represents the ``Customers`` Endpoint. The following aspects are implemented: * `List Customers <>`_ (:func:`helpscout.apis.customers.Customers.list`) * `Search Customers <>`_ (:func:``) * `Get Customer <>`_ (:func:`helpscout.apis.customers.Customers.get`) * `Create Customer <>`_ (:func:`helpscout.apis.customers.Customers.create`) * `Update Customer <>`_ (:func:`helpscout.apis.customers.Customers.update`) """ __object__ = Customer __endpoint__ = 'customers' __implements__ = ['create', 'get', 'update', 'search', 'list']
[docs] @classmethod def list(cls, session, first_name=None, last_name=None, email=None, modified_since=None): """List the customers. Customers can be filtered on any combination of first name, last name, email, and modifiedSince. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. first_name (str, optional): First name of customer. last_name (str, optional): Last name of customer. email (str, optional): Email address of customer. modified_since (datetime.datetime, optional): If modified after this date. Returns: RequestPaginator(output_type=helpscout.models.Customer): Customers iterator. """ return super(Customers, cls).list( session, data=cls.__object__.get_non_empty_vals({ 'firstName': first_name, 'lastName': last_name, 'email': email, 'modifiedSince': modified_since, }) )
[docs] @classmethod def search(cls, session, queries): """Search for a customer given a domain. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. queries (helpscout.models.Domain or iter): The queries for the domain. If a ``Domain`` object is provided, it will simply be returned. Otherwise, a ``Domain`` object will be generated from the complex queries. In this case, the queries should conform to the interface in :func:`helpscout.domain.Domain.from_tuple`. Returns: RequestPaginator(output_type=helpscout.models.SearchCustomer): SearchCustomer iterator. """ return super(Customers, cls).search(session, queries, SearchCustomer)