Source code for helpscout.apis.mailboxes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-TODAY LasLabs Inc.
# License MIT (

from .. import BaseApi

from ..models.folder import Folder
from ..models.mailbox import Mailbox

[docs]class Mailboxes(BaseApi): """This represents the ``Mailboxes`` Endpoint. The following aspects are implemented: * `List Mailboxes <>`_ (:func:`helpscout.apis.mailboxes.Mailboxes.list`) * `Get Mailboxes <>`_ (:func:`helpscout.apis.mailboxes.Mailboxes.get`) * `Get Folders <>`_ (:func:`helpscout.apis.mailboxes.Mailboxes.get_folders`) """ __object__ = Mailbox __endpoint__ = 'mailboxes' __implements__ = ['get', 'list']
[docs] @classmethod def list(cls, session): """List the mailboxes. Args: session (requests.sessions.Session): Authenticated session. Returns: RequestPaginator(output_type=helpscout.models.Mailbox): Mailboxes iterator. """ return cls('/mailboxes.json', session=session)
[docs] @classmethod def get_folders(cls, session, mailbox_or_id): """List the folders for the mailbox. Args: mailbox_or_id (helpscout.models.Mailbox or int): Mailbox or the ID of the mailbox to get the folders for. Returns: RequestPaginator(output_type=helpscout.models.Folder): Folders iterator. """ if isinstance(mailbox_or_id, Mailbox): mailbox_or_id = return cls( '/mailboxes/%d/folders.json' % mailbox_or_id, session=session, out_type=Folder, )