Source code for helpscout.tests.test_base_api
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-TODAY LasLabs Inc.
# License MIT (
import mock
import unittest
from .. import BaseApi
from .. import BaseModel
from ..domain import Domain
from ..request_paginator import RequestPaginator
PAGINATOR = 'helpscout.base_api.RequestPaginator'
[docs]class TestApi(BaseApi):
__object__ = BaseModel
[docs]class TestBaseApi(unittest.TestCase):
ENDPOINT = '/endpoint'
DATA = {'test': 1234}
REQUEST_TYPE = RequestPaginator.POST
[docs] def new_api(self, endpoint=ENDPOINT, data=DATA, request_type=REQUEST_TYPE,
singleton=False, session=None, out_type=None):
return TestApi(
endpoint, data, request_type, singleton, session, out_type,
[docs] def test_new(self):
"""It should return a new TestApi instance."""
self.assertIsInstance(self.new_api(), TestApi)
[docs] def test_new_paginator(self):
"""It should return a new API object with a paginator."""
self.assertIsInstance(self.new_api().paginator, RequestPaginator)
[docs] def test_new_paginator_create(self):
"""It should create the paginator with the proper args."""
session = 'session'
with mock.patch.object(RequestPaginator, '__init__') as init:
init.return_value = None
endpoint='' % self.ENDPOINT,
[docs] @mock.patch(PAGINATOR)
def test_new_paginator_singleton(self, paginator):
"""It should return the record if singleton and found."""
paginator().call.return_value = [{'id': 9876}]
res = self.new_api(singleton=True)
self.assertIsInstance(res, BaseModel)
self.assertEqual(, 9876)
[docs] @mock.patch(PAGINATOR)
def test_new_paginator_singleton_not_found(self, paginator):
"""It should return None if singleton and not found."""
paginator().call.return_value = []
res = self.new_api(singleton=True)
self.assertIs(res, None)
[docs] @mock.patch(PAGINATOR)
def test_new_paginator_singleton_none(self, paginator):
"""It should return None if singleton and return value is None."""
paginator().call.return_value = None
res = self.new_api(singleton=True)
self.assertIs(res, None)
[docs] @mock.patch(PAGINATOR)
def test_base_api_iterates_paginator(self, paginator):
"""It should pass iteration to the paginator."""
expect = [BaseModel(id=1), BaseModel(id=2)]
paginator().call.return_value = expect
for idx, value in enumerate(self.new_api()):
self.assertEqual(value, expect[idx])
[docs] @mock.patch(PAGINATOR)
def test_new_paginator_singleton_out_type(self, paginator):
"""It should return an object of the correct type if defined."""
paginator().call.return_value = [{'id': 9876}]
res = self.new_api(singleton=True, out_type=mock.MagicMock())
self.assertIsInstance(res, mock.MagicMock)
[docs] def test_get_search_domain_domain(self):
"""It should return the input if it is a `Domain` obj."""
expect = Domain()
self.assertEqual(BaseApi.get_search_domain(expect), expect)
[docs] def test_get_search_domain_tuple(self):
"""It should return the input if it is a `Domain` obj."""
expect = [('state', True)]
with mock.patch.object(Domain, 'from_tuple') as from_tuple:
res = BaseApi.get_search_domain(expect)
self.assertEqual(res, from_tuple())
[docs] def test_new_object(self):
"""It should return the proper object."""
expect = 123
res = BaseApi.new_object({'id': expect})
self.assertIsInstance(res, BaseModel)
self.assertEqual(, expect)