Source code for helpscout.tests.test_base_model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-TODAY LasLabs Inc.
# License MIT (

import properties
import unittest

from datetime import datetime
from six import string_types

from .. import BaseModel

[docs]class TestModel(BaseModel): a_key = properties.String('A key') sub_instance = properties.Instance( 'Sub Instance', instance_class=BaseModel, ) list = properties.List( 'List', prop=properties.Instance('List Instance', instance_class=BaseModel), ) list_string = properties.List( 'List of Strings', prop=properties.String('String'), ) date = properties.DateTime('DateTime') color = properties.Color('Color') not_a_field = True
[docs]class TestBaseModel(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TestBaseModel, self).setUp() self.test_values = { 'aKey': 'value', 'subInstance': { 'id': 1234, }, 'list': [ {'id': 4321}, ], 'date': datetime(2017, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), 'color': 'blue', } self.internal_values = { 'a_key': self.test_values['aKey'], 'sub_instance': self.test_values['subInstance'], 'list': self.test_values['list'], 'date': self.test_values['date'], 'color': self.test_values['color'], }
[docs] def new_record(self): return TestModel.from_api(**self.test_values)
[docs] def test_from_api_new_instance(self): """It should return a new instance of the class.""" self.assertIsInstance(self.new_record(), TestModel)
[docs] def test_from_api_camel_to_snake(self): """It should call the init with snake cased keys.""" self.assertEqual(self.new_record().a_key, self.test_values['aKey'])
[docs] def test_from_api_sub_instance(self): """It should properly instantiate sub-instances.""" self.assertIsInstance(self.new_record().sub_instance, BaseModel)
[docs] def test_from_api_list(self): """It should properly convert lists of instances.""" res = self.new_record() self.assertIsInstance(res.list, list) self.assertIsInstance(res.list[0], BaseModel)
[docs] def test_from_api_color_none(self): """It should parse 'none' API value in Color property as lightgrey.""" record = TestModel.from_api(**{'color': 'none'}) self.assertEqual(record.color, (211, 211, 211))
[docs] def test_from_api_invalid_attribute(self): """It should remove any invalid attributes.""" record = TestModel.from_api(**{'no_exist': 'value'}) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): record.no_exist
[docs] def test_to_api_camel_case(self): """It should properly camel case the API args.""" res = self.new_record().to_api() self.assertEqual(res['aKey'], self.internal_values['a_key'])
[docs] def test_to_api_instance(self): """It should properly convert sub-instances to dict.""" res = self.new_record().to_api() self.assertIsInstance(res['subInstance'], dict)
[docs] def test_to_api_list(self): """It should properly convert sub-instances within lists props.""" res = self.new_record().to_api() self.assertIsInstance(res['list'], list) self.assertIsInstance(res['list'][0], dict)
[docs] def test_to_api_list_string(self): """It should properly handle naive lists.""" expect = ['1', '2'] self.test_values['list_string'] = expect res = self.new_record().to_api() self.assertIsInstance(res['listString'], list) self.assertIsInstance(res['listString'][0], string_types)
[docs] def test_to_api_date(self): """It should return the serialized datetime.""" self.assertEqual( self.new_record().to_api()['date'], '2017-01-01T00:00:00Z', )
[docs] def test_get_non_empty_vals(self): """It should return the dict without NoneTypes.""" expect = { 'good_int': 1234, 'good_false': False, 'good_true': True, 'bad': None, } res = BaseModel.get_non_empty_vals(expect) del expect['bad'] self.assertDictEqual(res, expect)
[docs] def test_parse_property_invalid_property(self): """It should raise an exception if property name is invalid.""" self.assertIsNone(BaseModel._parse_property('no exist', 'value'))
[docs] def test_dict_lookup_exist(self): """It should return the attribute value when it exists.""" self.assertEqual( self.new_record()['a_key'], self.internal_values['a_key'], )
[docs] def test_dict_lookup_no_exist(self): """It should raise a KeyError when the attribute isn't a field.""" with self.assertRaises(KeyError): self.new_record()['not_a_field']
[docs] def test_dict_set_exist(self): """It should set the attribute via the items.""" expect = 'Test-Expect' record = self.new_record() record['a_key'] = expect self.assertEqual(record.a_key, expect)
[docs] def test_dict_set_no_exist(self): """It should raise a KeyError and not change the non-field.""" record = self.new_record() with self.assertRaises(KeyError): record['not_a_field'] = False self.assertTrue(record.not_a_field)
[docs] def test_get_exist(self): """It should return the attribute if it exists.""" self.assertEqual( self.new_record().get('a_key'), self.internal_values['a_key'], )
[docs] def test_get_no_exist(self): """It should return the default if the attribute doesn't exist.""" expect = 'Test' self.assertEqual( self.new_record().get('not_a_field', expect), expect, )
[docs] def test_from_api_list_no_model(self): """Test ``from_api`` when there is a list of non-property objects.""" self.test_values['list_string'] = [ 'test', 'again', ] self.assertEqual(self.new_record().list_string, self.test_values['list_string'])