Source code for helpscout.tests.test_model_person

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-TODAY LasLabs Inc.
# License MIT (

import unittest

from ..models.person import Person

[docs]class TestPerson(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def new_record(self, type): test_values = { 'firstName': 'Boo', 'lastName': 'Radley', 'type': type, } return Person.from_api(**test_values)
def _setter_tester(self, customer_person_type, expected): person = self.new_record('customer') person.customer_person_type = customer_person_type self.assertEqual(person.type, expected)
[docs] def test_customer_person_type_customer(self): """It should properly set customer_person_type to True when person type is 'customer'""" self.assertTrue(self.new_record('customer').customer_person_type)
[docs] def test_customer_person_type_user(self): """It should properly set customer_person_type to False when person type is not 'customer'""" self.assertFalse(self.new_record('user').customer_person_type)
[docs] def test_customer_person_type_setter_true(self): """It should properly set type to 'customer' when customer_person_type is set as True""" self._setter_tester(True, 'customer')
[docs] def test_customer_person_type_setter_false(self): """It should properly set type to 'user' when customer_person_type is set as False""" self._setter_tester(False, 'user')