Source code for helpscout.tests.test_request_paginator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-TODAY LasLabs Inc.
# License MIT (

import mock
import unittest

from contextlib import contextmanager

from ..request_paginator import RequestPaginator

[docs]class TestRequestPaginator(unittest.TestCase): REQUEST_TYPES = ['get', 'delete', 'post', 'put']
[docs] def setUp(self): self.vals = { 'endpoint': 'endpoint', 'data': {'param': 1}, 'output_type': dict, } self.test_responses = [ { 'page': 1, 'pages': 3, 'items': [{ 'page': 1, }], }, { 'page': 2, 'pages': 3, 'items': [{ 'page': 2, }], }, { 'page': 3, 'pages': 3, # This one emulates a singleton 'item': { 'page': 3, }, }, ] self.paginator = RequestPaginator(**self.vals)
[docs] @contextmanager def mock_session(self, response_code=200, responses=None, mock_attrs=None): if mock_attrs is None: mock_attrs = ['get', 'delete', 'post', 'put'] elif isinstance(mock_attrs, str): mock_attrs = [mock_attrs] with mock.patch.object(self.paginator, 'session') as session: response = mock.MagicMock() response.status_code = response_code response.json.side_effect = responses response.json.return_value = responses session.request.return_value = response yield session
[docs] def do_call(self, request_type='get', responses=None): self.params = {'param_test': 23234} with self.mock_session(mock_attrs=request_type, responses=responses) as session: return session, getattr(self.paginator, request_type)(self.params)
def _test_result(self, res): self.assertEqual(len(res), 1) self.assertDictEqual(res[0], self.test_responses[0]['items'][0]) def _test_session_call_json(self, session, request_type): session.request.assert_called_once_with( request_type, url=self.vals['endpoint'], json=self.params, verify=True, )
[docs] def test_init_attrs(self): """ It should correctly assign instance attributes. """ attrs = { attr: getattr(self.paginator, attr) for attr in self.vals.keys() } self.assertDictEqual(attrs, self.vals)
[docs] @mock.patch('helpscout.request_paginator.requests') def test_init_session(self, requests): """ It should initialize a requests session. """ paginator = RequestPaginator(**self.vals) self.assertEqual(paginator.session, requests.Session())
[docs] def test_get_gets(self): """ It should call the session with proper args. """ session, _ = self.do_call(responses=self.test_responses) session.request.assert_called_once_with( 'get', url=self.vals['endpoint'], params=self.params, verify=True, )
[docs] def test_returns(self): """The returns should all return properly.""" for request_type in self.REQUEST_TYPES: _, res = self.do_call(request_type, self.test_responses) self._test_result(res)
[docs] def test_delete_return_null_response_body(self): """The delete return should be None if response body is null.""" _, res = self.do_call('delete', None) self.assertEqual(res, None)
[docs] def test_session_calls(self): """The calls should all be handled properly (tests all but GET).""" self.REQUEST_TYPES.remove('get') for request_type in self.REQUEST_TYPES: session, _ = self.do_call(request_type, self.test_responses) self._test_session_call_json(session, request_type)
[docs] def test_call_get(self): """It should get when the request type is GET.""" params = {'param_test': 23234} self.paginator.request_type = self.paginator.GET with mock.patch.object(self.paginator, 'get') as get: get.assert_called_once_with(params)
[docs] def test_call_post(self): """It should post when the request type is POST.""" params = {'param_test': 23234} self.paginator.request_type = self.paginator.POST with mock.patch.object(self.paginator, 'post') as post: post.assert_called_once_with(params)
[docs] def test_iter(self): """ It should iterate until the end & yield data. """ with self.mock_session() as session: session.request().json.side_effect = self.test_responses res = list(self.paginator) expect = [{'page': 1}, {'page': 2}, {'page': 3}] self.assertEqual(res, expect)