Source code for red_october.red_october

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016-2017 LasLabs Inc.
# License MIT (

import json
import requests

from datetime import timedelta

from .models.enum_user_role import EnumUserRole
from .models.enum_user_type import EnumUserType

from .exceptions import RedOctoberDecryptException
from .exceptions import RedOctoberRemoteException

[docs]class RedOctober(object): """ It provides Python bindings to a remote RedOctober server via HTTP(S). Additional documentation regarding the API endpoints is available at """ def __init__(self, host, port, name, password, ssl=True, verify=True): """ It initializes the RedOctober API using the provided credentials. Args: host (str): Host name/IP of Red October server. port (int): Port number of server. name (str): Account name for use as login. password (str): Password for account. ssl (bool): Is server SSL encrypted? verify (bool or str): File path of CA cert for verification, `True` to use system certs, or `False` to disable certificate verification. """ ssl = 'https' if ssl else 'http' self.uri_base = '%s://%s:%d' % (ssl, host, port) = name self.password = password self.verify = verify
[docs] def create_vault(self): """ It creates a new vault. Create is the necessary first call to a new vault. It creates an admin account. Returns: bool: Status of vault creation """ return'create')
[docs] def delegate(self, time=None, uses=None): """ It allows for the delegation of decryption rights. Delegate allows a user to delegate their decryption password to the server for a fixed period of time and for a fixed number of decryptions. If the user's account is not created, it creates it. Any new delegation overrides the previous delegation. Args: time (datetime.timedelta): Period of time that delegation is valid for. uses (int): Number of times that delegation can be used. Returns: bool: Status of delegation creation. """ data = self._clean_mapping({ 'Time': time and '%ds' % time.total_seconds() or None, 'Uses': uses, }) return'delegate', data=data)
[docs] def create_user(self, user_type='rsa'): """ It creates a new user account. Allows an optional ``UserType`` to be specified which controls how the record is encrypted. This can have a value of either ``rsa`` or ``ecc`` and if none is provided will default to ``rsa``. Args: user_type (str): Controls how the record is encrypted. This can have a value of either ``ecc`` or ``rsa``. Returns: bool: Status of user creation. """ data = self._clean_mapping({ 'UserType': EnumUserType[user_type].name.upper(), }) return'create-user', data=data)
[docs] def get_summary(self): """ It provides a list of keys and delegations for the server. Returns: dict: A mapping containing keys on the system, and users who have currently delegated their key to the server. Example: .. code-block:: python { "Live":{ "Bill":{"Admin":false, "Type":"rsa", "Expiry":"2013-11-26T08:42:29.65501032-08:00", "Uses":3}, "Cat":{"Admin":false, "Type":"rsa", "Expiry":"2013-11-26T08:42:42.016311595-08:00", "Uses":3}, "Dodo":{"Admin":false, "Type":"rsa", "Expiry":"2013-11-26T08:43:06.651429104-08:00", "Uses":3} }, "All":{ "Alice":{"Admin":true, "Type":"rsa"}, "Bill":{"Admin":false, "Type":"rsa"}, "Cat":{"Admin":false, "Type":"rsa"}, "Dodo":{"Admin":false, "Type":"rsa"} } """ return'summary')
[docs] def encrypt(self, minimum, owners, data): """ It allows a user to encrypt a piece of data. Args: minimum (int): Minimum number of users from ``owners`` set that must have delegated their keys to the server. owners (iter): Iterator of strings indicating users that may decrypt the document. data (str): Data to encrypt. Returns: str: Base64 encoded string representing the encrypted string. """ data = self._clean_mapping({ 'Minimum': minimum, 'Owners': owners, 'Data': data.encode('base64'), }) return'encrypt', data=data)
[docs] def decrypt(self, data): """ It allows a user to decrypt a piece of data. Args: data (str): Base64 encoded string representing the encrypted string. Raises: RedOctoberDecryptException: If not enough ``minimum`` users from the set of ``owners`` have delegated their keys to the server, or if the decryption credentials are incorrect. Returns: dict: Response object with the following keys: * `Data` (`str`): Decrypted data * `Secure` (`bool`): Not documented. Seems to always be `True` * `Delegates` (`list` of `str`): Delegate names """ data = self._clean_mapping({ 'Data': data, }) try: response ='decrypt', data=data) response = json.loads(response.decode('base64')) response['Data'] = response['Data'].decode('base64') return response except RedOctoberRemoteException as e: raise RedOctoberDecryptException(e.message)
[docs] def get_owners(self, data): """ It provides the delegates required to decrypt a piece of data. Args: data (str): Base64 encoded string representing the encrypted string. Raises: RedOctoberDecryptException: If incorrect decryption credentials are provided. Returns: list: List of strings representing users that are able to decrypt the data. """ data = self._clean_mapping({ 'Data': data, }) try: return'owners', data=data) except RedOctoberRemoteException as e: raise RedOctoberDecryptException(e.message)
[docs] def change_password(self, new_password): """ It allows users to change their password. Args: name (str): Name of account. password (str): Password for account. new_password (str): New password for account. Returns: bool: Password change status. """ data = self._clean_mapping({ 'NewPassword': new_password, }) return'password', data=data)
[docs] def modify_user_role(self, modify_name, command='revoke'): """ It allows for administration of user roles. Args: modify_name (str): Name of account to modify. command (str): Command to apply to user: ``admin``: Promote user to administrator. ``revoke``: Revoke administrator rights. ``delete``: Delete user. Returns: bool: Role modfication status. """ data = self._clean_mapping({ 'ToModify': modify_name, 'Command': EnumUserRole[command].name, }) return'modify', data=data)
[docs] def purge_delegates(self): """ It deletes all delegates for an encryption key. Returns: bool: Purge status. """ return'purge')
[docs] def create_order(self, labels, duration, uses, data): """ It creates lets others users know delegations are needed. Args: labels (iter): Iterator of strings to label order with. duration (datetime.timedelta): Proposed duration of delegation. uses (int): Proposed delegation use amounts. data (str): Base64 encoded string representing the encrypted string. Returns: dict: Mapping representing the newly created order. Example: .. code-block:: python { "Admins": [ "Bob", "Eve" ], "AdminsDelegated": null, "Delegated": 0, "DurationRequested": 3.6e+12, "Labels": [ "blue", "red" ], "Name": "Alice", "Num": "77da1cfd8962fb9685c15c84", "TimeRequested": "2016-01-25T15:58:41.961906679-08:00", } """ data = self._clean_mapping({ 'Labels': labels, 'Duration': '%ds' % duration.total_seconds(), 'Uses': uses, 'Data': data, }) return'order', data=data)
[docs] def get_orders_outstanding(self): """ It returns a mapping of current orders. Returns: dict: Mapping representing the currently open orders. Example: .. code-block:: python { "77da1cfd8962fb9685c15c84":{ "Name":"Alice", "Num":"77da1cfd8962fb9685c15c84", "TimeRequested":"2016-01-25T15:58:41.961906679-08:00", "DurationRequested":3600000000000, "Delegated":0," AdminsDelegated":null, "Admins":["Bob, Eve"], "Labels":["Blue","Red"] } } """ return'orderout')
[docs] def get_order_information(self, order_num): """ It gets information for a specified order. Args: order_num (str): Order number to get. Returns: dict: Mapping representing the order information. Example: .. code-block:: python { "Admins": [ "Bob", "Eve" ], "AdminsDelegated": null, "Delegated": 0, "DurationRequested": 3.6e+12, "Labels": [ "blue", "red" ], "Name": "Alice", "Num": "77da1cfd8962fb9685c15c84", "TimeRequested": "2016-01-25T15:58:41.961906679-08:00" } """ data = self._clean_mapping({ 'OrderNum': order_num, }) return'orderinfo', data=data)
[docs] def cancel_order(self, order_num): """ It cancels an order by number. Args: order_num (str): Order number to get. Returns: bool: Status of order cancellation. """ data = self._clean_mapping({ 'OrderNum': order_num, }) return'ordercancel', data=data)
[docs] def call(self, endpoint, method='POST', params=None, data=None): """ It calls the remote endpoint and returns the result, if success. Args: endpoint (str): RedOctober endpoint to call (e.g. ``newcert``). method (str): HTTP method to utilize for the Request. params: (dict or bytes) Data to be sent in the query string for the Request. data: (dict or bytes or file) Data to send in the body of the Request. Raises: RedOctoberRemoteException: In the event of a ``False`` in the ``success`` key of the API response. Returns: mixed: Data contained in ``result`` key of the API response, or ``True`` if there was no response data, but the call was a success. """ endpoint = '%s/%s' % (self.uri_base, endpoint) if data is None: data = {} data.update({ 'Name':, 'Password': self.password, }) response = requests.request( method=method, url=endpoint, params=params, json=data, verify=self.verify, ) response = response.json() if response['Status'] != 'ok': raise RedOctoberRemoteException( response['Status'], ) try: return response['Response'] except KeyError: return True
def _clean_mapping(self, mapping): """ It removes false entries from mapping. Args: mapping (dict): Mapping to remove values from. Returns: dict: Mapping with no values evaluating to False. """ return {k:v for k, v in mapping.iteritems() if v}