Source code for cannabis_reports.models.abstract_item

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-TODAY LasLabs Inc.
# License MIT (

import properties

from ..base_model import GeneralOverview, LinksModelWithImage

from .producer import Producer
from .strain import Strain

[docs]class AbstractItem(LinksModelWithImage): """Represents the base attributes for a saleable cannabis item.""" name = properties.String( 'Name of the item.', ) barcode = properties.String( 'Link to the barcode for this item.', ) producer = properties.Instance( 'Information about the producer that created the item.', instance_class=Producer, ) type = properties.String( 'Type of item.', ) strain = properties.Instance( 'Strain that this item comes from.', instance_class=Strain, ) lab_test = properties.String( 'Link to the PDF containing lab test information for this item.', ) thc = properties.String( 'Amount of `THC <' 'cannabis-community/what-is-thc-tetrahydrocannabinol>`_ in this ' 'item.', ) cbd = properties.String( 'Amount of `CBD <' 'cannabis-community/what-is-cbd-cannabidiol>`_ in this item.', ) cannabis = properties.String( 'Milligrams of cannabis in this item.', ) hash_oil = properties.String( 'Milligrams of hash oil in this item.', ) reviews = properties.Instance( 'Object containing information on the reviews for the item.', instance_class=GeneralOverview, )