cannabis_reports.models package


cannabis_reports.models.abstract_item module

class cannabis_reports.models.abstract_item.AbstractItem(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.LinksModelWithImage

Represents the base attributes for a saleable cannabis item.

Required Properties:

  • barcode (String): Link to the barcode for this item., a unicode string
  • cannabis (String): Milligrams of cannabis in this item., a unicode string
  • cbd (String): Amount of CBD in this item., a unicode string
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • hash_oil (String): Milligrams of hash oil in this item., a unicode string
  • image (String): Link to the full size image for this record on Cannabis Reports., a unicode string
  • lab_test (String): Link to the PDF containing lab test information for this item., a unicode string
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • name (String): Name of the item., a unicode string
  • producer (Producer): Information about the producer that created the item., an instance of Producer
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • reviews (GeneralOverview): Object containing information on the reviews for the item., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • strain (Strain): Strain that this item comes from., an instance of Strain
  • thc (String): Amount of THC in this item., a unicode string
  • type (String): Type of item., a unicode string
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string

Link to the barcode for this item.


Milligrams of cannabis in this item.


Amount of CBD in this item.


Milligrams of hash oil in this item.


Link to the PDF containing lab test information for this item.


Name of the item.


Information about the producer that created the item.


Object containing information on the reviews for the item.


Strain that this item comes from.


Amount of THC in this item.


Type of item.

cannabis_reports.models.address module

class cannabis_reports.models.address.Address(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.BaseModel

Object containing address location information.

Required Properties:

  • address_1 (String): Street address., a unicode string
  • address_2 (String): Additional street address line., a unicode string
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • zip (String): Zip Code., a unicode string

Street address.


Additional street address line.


Zip Code.

cannabis_reports.models.dispensary module

class cannabis_reports.models.dispensary.Dispensary(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.LinksModelWithImage

Cannabis producers are the ones that create all of the cannabis flowers,

extracts, edibles, and other products we know and love.

More information about cannabis producers can be found in the Cannabis Reports FAQ.

Required Properties:

  • address (Address): Object containing additional location information for this dispensary., an instance of Address
  • city (String): City this dispensary is in., a unicode string
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • edibles (GeneralOverview): Information on all of the edibles that this producer makes., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • extracts (GeneralOverview): Information on all of the extracts that this producer makes., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • image (String): Link to the full size image for this record on Cannabis Reports., a unicode string
  • lat (String): Latitude of this dispensary., a unicode string
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • lng (String): Longitude of this dispensary., a unicode string
  • name (String): Name of the dispensary., a unicode string
  • products (GeneralOverview): Information on all of the products that this producer makes., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • reviews (GeneralOverview): The number of reviews for all of the strains available from this seed Producer., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • slug (String): Identifier for this dispensary; a combination of city and state., a unicode string
  • state (String): Two character representation of the state this dispensary is in., a unicode string
  • strains (GeneralOverview): Object containing information about strains available at this dispensary., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string

Object containing additional location information for this dispensary.


City this dispensary is in.


Information on all of the edibles that this producer makes.


Information on all of the extracts that this producer makes.


Latitude of this dispensary.


Longitude of this dispensary.


Name of the dispensary.


Information on all of the products that this producer makes.


The number of reviews for all of the strains available from this seed Producer.


Identifier for this dispensary; a combination of city and state.


Two character representation of the state this dispensary is in.


Object containing information about strains available at this dispensary.

cannabis_reports.models.edible module

class cannabis_reports.models.edible.Edible(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.models.abstract_item.AbstractItem

Cannabis edibles cover a wide variety of consumable products that

contain cannabis in various forms. From cotton candy, to tinctures, to dog treats, and everything in between.

If it’s a form of cannabis that is meant to be consumed, it is categorized as an edible.

The main forms of edibles that Cannabis Reports recognizes are:

Cannabis Reports also supports “Other” types of edibles. Some examples are:

  • Butter
  • Honey
  • Breath Strips
  • Tea
  • Ice Cream

Producers measure the amount of cannabis in their edibles in a variety of ways. We recognize 4 ways for measuring the cannabis contents:

  • THC mg
  • CBD mg
  • Cannabis mg
  • Hash Oil mg

More information about cannabis edibles can be found in the FAQ.

Required Properties:

  • barcode (String): Link to the barcode for this item., a unicode string
  • cannabis (String): Milligrams of cannabis in this item., a unicode string
  • cbd (String): Amount of CBD in this item., a unicode string
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • hash_oil (String): Milligrams of hash oil in this item., a unicode string
  • image (String): Link to the full size image for this record on Cannabis Reports., a unicode string
  • lab_test (String): Link to the PDF containing lab test information for this item., a unicode string
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • name (String): Name of the item., a unicode string
  • producer (Producer): Information about the producer that created the item., an instance of Producer
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • reviews (GeneralOverview): Object containing information on the reviews for the item., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • strain (Strain): Strain that this item comes from., an instance of Strain
  • thc (String): Amount of THC in this item., a unicode string
  • type (String): Type of item., a unicode string
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string

cannabis_reports.models.effects_flavors module

class cannabis_reports.models.effects_flavors.Effect(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.BaseModel

Represents an effect profile.

Required Properties:

  • anxiety (Float): Anxiety effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • appetite_gain (Float): Appetite gain effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • calming (Float): Calming effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • creativity (Float): Creativity effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • dry_mouth (Float): Dry mouth effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • euphoria (Float): Euphoric effect., a float, Default: 0.0
  • numbness (Float): Numbness effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object

Anxiety effect


Appetite gain effect


Calming effect


Creativity effect


Dry mouth effect


Euphoric effect.


Numbness effect

class cannabis_reports.models.effects_flavors.EffectsFlavors(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.models.effects_flavors.Effect, cannabis_reports.models.effects_flavors.Flavor

Represents a flavor and effect profile.

Required Properties:

  • anxiety (Float): Anxiety effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • appetite_gain (Float): Appetite gain effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • calming (Float): Calming effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • creativity (Float): Creativity effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • dry_mouth (Float): Dry mouth effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • earthy (Float): Earthy flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • euphoria (Float): Euphoric effect., a float, Default: 0.0
  • fruity (Float): Fruity flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • numbness (Float): Numbness effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • pine (Float): Pine flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • sour (Float): Sour flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • spicy (Float): Spicy flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • sweet (Float): Sweet flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
class cannabis_reports.models.effects_flavors.Flavor(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.BaseModel

Represents a flavor profile.

Required Properties:

  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • earthy (Float): Earthy flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • fruity (Float): Fruity flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • pine (Float): Pine flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • sour (Float): Sour flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • spicy (Float): Spicy flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • sweet (Float): Sweet flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object

Earthy flavor


Fruity flavor


Pine flavor


Sour flavor


Spicy flavor


Sweet flavor

cannabis_reports.models.extract module

class cannabis_reports.models.extract.Extract(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.models.abstract_item.AbstractItem

Cannabis extracts are created from the flowers of the cannabis plant.

Various methods for creating cannabis extracts have been perfected over thousands of years.

Cannabis Reports recognizes 10 main types of extracts:

Each extract is tied to a strain and the producer who created it. For more information about cannabis extracts, check out the FAQ

Required Properties:

  • barcode (String): Link to the barcode for this item., a unicode string
  • cannabis (String): Milligrams of cannabis in this item., a unicode string
  • cbd (String): Amount of CBD in this item., a unicode string
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • hash_oil (String): Milligrams of hash oil in this item., a unicode string
  • image (String): Link to the full size image for this record on Cannabis Reports., a unicode string
  • lab_test (String): Link to the PDF containing lab test information for this item., a unicode string
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • name (String): Name of the item., a unicode string
  • producer (Producer): Information about the producer that created the item., an instance of Producer
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • reviews (GeneralOverview): Object containing information on the reviews for the item., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • strain (Strain): Strain that this item comes from., an instance of Strain
  • thc (String): Amount of THC in this item., a unicode string
  • type (String): Type of item., a unicode string
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string

cannabis_reports.models.flower module

class cannabis_reports.models.flower.Flower(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.models.abstract_item.AbstractItem

Cannabis flowers are distinct products that can be found on retailer


The Cannabis Reports system allows for specific batches of cannabis flowers to be linked directly to the cultivator that grew the plant, while still maintaining a connection to the original genetics of the strain.

Designating flowers as distinct items improves our ability to discuss the variety of flower quality that can be produced from the same strain grown at different farms.

The main forms of flowers that Cannabis Reports recognizes are:

Producers measure the cannabinoid content of their flowers in many ways. Currently, Cannabis Reports allows producers to display the percentage of weight for THC and CBD.

Required Properties:

  • barcode (String): Link to the barcode for this item., a unicode string
  • cannabis (String): Milligrams of cannabis in this item., a unicode string
  • cbd (String): Amount of CBD in this item., a unicode string
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • hash_oil (String): Milligrams of hash oil in this item., a unicode string
  • image (String): Link to the full size image for this record on Cannabis Reports., a unicode string
  • lab_test (String): Link to the PDF containing lab test information for this item., a unicode string
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • name (String): Name of the item., a unicode string
  • producer (Producer): Information about the producer that created the item., an instance of Producer
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • reviews (GeneralOverview): Object containing information on the reviews for the item., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • strain (Strain): Strain that this item comes from., an instance of Strain
  • thc (String): Amount of THC in this item., a unicode string
  • type (String): Type of item., a unicode string
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string

cannabis_reports.models.menu_item module

class cannabis_reports.models.menu_item.MenuItem(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.BaseModel

Menu items for dispensaries.

Required Properties:

  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • item (Property): The strain, extract, edible, or product.
  • name (String): Name of the item., a unicode string
  • price (Float): The price for the item. This is not set for strains and extracts., a float
  • price_eighth (Float): Price for one eighth ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_gram (Float): Price for one gram of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_half_gram (Float): Price for one half gram of the item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_half_ounce (Float): Price for one half ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_ounce (Float): Price for one ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_quarter (Float): Price for one quarter ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • type (StringChoice): Type of item., any of “strain”, “flower”, “extract”, “edible”, “product”
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object

The strain, extract, edible, or product.


Name of the item.


The price for the item. This is not set for strains and extracts.


Price for one eighth ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products.


Price for one gram of this item. This is not set for edibles and products.


Price for one half gram of the item. This is not set for edibles and products.


Price for one half ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products.


Price for one ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products.


Price for one quarter ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products.


Type of item.

class cannabis_reports.models.menu_item.MenuItemSummary(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.models.menu_item.MenuItem

Menu item summary for when it is known what the menu item is.

Required Properties:

  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • item (Property): The strain, extract, edible, or product.
  • location (Dispensary): Object containing information about the location this item is at., an instance of Dispensary
  • name (String): Name of the item., a unicode string
  • price (Float): The price for the item. This is not set for strains and extracts., a float
  • price_eighth (Float): Price for one eighth ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_gram (Float): Price for one gram of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_half_gram (Float): Price for one half gram of the item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_half_ounce (Float): Price for one half ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_ounce (Float): Price for one ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_quarter (Float): Price for one quarter ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • type (StringChoice): Type of item., any of “strain”, “flower”, “extract”, “edible”, “product”
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object

Object containing information about the location this item is at.

cannabis_reports.models.producer module

class cannabis_reports.models.producer.Producer(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.LinksModelWithImage

Cannabis producers are the ones that create all of the cannabis flowers,

extracts, edibles, and other products we know and love.

More information about cannabis producers can be found in the Cannabis Reports FAQ.

Required Properties:

  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • edibles (GeneralOverview): Information on all of the edibles that this producer makes., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • extracts (GeneralOverview): Information on all of the extracts that this producer makes., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • image (String): Link to the full size image for this record on Cannabis Reports., a unicode string
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • name (String): The name of the producer., a unicode string
  • products (GeneralOverview): Information on all of the products that this producer makes., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • reviews (GeneralOverview): The number of reviews for all of the strains available from this seed Producer., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string

Information on all of the edibles that this producer makes.


Information on all of the extracts that this producer makes.


The name of the producer.


Information on all of the products that this producer makes.


The number of reviews for all of the strains available from this seed Producer.

cannabis_reports.models.product module

class cannabis_reports.models.product.Product(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.models.abstract_item.AbstractItem

Cannabis products cover a wide variety of additional products that

contain cannabis.

Anything that wouldn’t be consumed like an product or extract falls into this category. Pre-rolled cannabis is also in this category.

The main forms of products that Cannabis Reports recognizes are:

Cannabis Reports also supports “Other” types of products. Some examples are:

  • Lip Balm
  • Massage Oil
  • Personal Lubricant

Producers measure the amount of cannabis in their products in a variety of ways. We recognize 4 ways for measuring the cannabis contents:

  • THC mg
  • CBD mg
  • Cannabis mg
  • Hash Oil mg

More information about cannabis products can be found in the FAQ.

Required Properties:

  • barcode (String): Link to the barcode for this item., a unicode string
  • cannabis (String): Milligrams of cannabis in this item., a unicode string
  • cbd (String): Amount of CBD in this item., a unicode string
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • hash_oil (String): Milligrams of hash oil in this item., a unicode string
  • image (String): Link to the full size image for this record on Cannabis Reports., a unicode string
  • lab_test (String): Link to the PDF containing lab test information for this item., a unicode string
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • name (String): Name of the item., a unicode string
  • producer (Producer): Information about the producer that created the item., an instance of Producer
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • reviews (GeneralOverview): Object containing information on the reviews for the item., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • strain (Strain): Strain that this item comes from., an instance of Strain
  • thc (String): Amount of THC in this item., a unicode string
  • type (String): Type of item., a unicode string
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string module


Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.BaseModelWithLinks, cannabis_reports.models.effects_flavors.EffectsFlavors

Represents a CannabisReports review.

Required Properties:

  • anxiety (Float): Anxiety effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • appetite_gain (Float): Appetite gain effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • calming (Float): Calming effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • creativity (Float): Creativity effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • dry_mouth (Float): Dry mouth effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • earthy (Float): Earthy flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • euphoria (Float): Euphoric effect., a float, Default: 0.0
  • fruity (Float): Fruity flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • numbness (Float): Numbness effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • pine (Float): Pine flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • sour (Float): Sour flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • spicy (Float): Spicy flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • sweet (Float): Sweet flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string

cannabis_reports.models.seed_company module

class cannabis_reports.models.seed_company.SeedCompany(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.LineageModel

Cannabis seed companies create the variety of strains available for
growing and breeding.

Required Properties:

  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • image (String): Link to the full size image for this record on Cannabis Reports., a unicode string
  • lineage (Property): Countries of origin for the genetics for the strain. Object keys are the country name and the values are the two character country codes.
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • name (String): The name of this seed company., a unicode string
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • reviews (GeneralOverview): The number of reviews for all of the strains available from this seed company., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • strains (GeneralOverview): Object containing information on the strains available from this seed company., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string

The name of this seed company.


The number of reviews for all of the strains available from this seed company.


Object containing information on the strains available from this seed company.

cannabis_reports.models.strain module

class cannabis_reports.models.strain.Strain(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.LineageModel

Cannabis strains are the various cultivars available for the cannabis

family. Thousands of years of human domestication and breeding of cannabis strains have resulted in a huge variety of attributes that we know and love today.

Wikipedia Definition

Over time, strain names have been used by various companies in their attempts to recreate the results of other breeders. Cannabis Reports identifies strains not only by their name, but by their seed company as well, to ensure they are all properly represented.

Required Properties:

  • children (GeneralOverview): Object that holds information about the children for the strain., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • genetics (StrainGenetics): Object that holds information about the genetics for the strain., an instance of StrainGenetics
  • image (String): Link to the full size image for this record on Cannabis Reports., a unicode string
  • lineage (Property): Countries of origin for the genetics for the strain. Object keys are the country name and the values are the two character country codes.
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • name (String): Name of the cannabis strain., a unicode string
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • reviews (GeneralOverview): Object that holds information about the reviews for the strain., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • seed_company (SeedCompany): Information about the seed company that created or provides the strain., an instance of SeedCompany
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string

Object that holds information about the children for the strain.


Object that holds information about the genetics for the strain.


Name of the cannabis strain.


Object that holds information about the reviews for the strain.


Information about the seed company that created or provides the strain.

class cannabis_reports.models.strain.StrainGenetics(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.BaseModel

Object that holds information about the genetics for the strain.

Required Properties:

  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • link (String): Link to the genetic listing in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • names (String): Genetics name. More information., a unicode string
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object

Link to the genetic listing in the Cannabis Reports API.


Genetics name. More information.

cannabis_reports.models.user module

class cannabis_reports.models.user.User(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.BaseModelWithLinks

Represents a CannabisReports user.

Required Properties:

  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • nickname (String): The user nickname., a unicode string
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • slug (String): The user slug., a unicode string
  • tagline (String): The user tagline., a unicode string
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string

The user nickname.


The user slug.


The user tagline.

Module contents

class cannabis_reports.models.Address(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.BaseModel

Object containing address location information.

Required Properties:

  • address_1 (String): Street address., a unicode string
  • address_2 (String): Additional street address line., a unicode string
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • zip (String): Zip Code., a unicode string

Street address.


Additional street address line.


Zip Code.

class cannabis_reports.models.Dispensary(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.LinksModelWithImage

Cannabis producers are the ones that create all of the cannabis flowers,

extracts, edibles, and other products we know and love.

More information about cannabis producers can be found in the Cannabis Reports FAQ.

Required Properties:

  • address (Address): Object containing additional location information for this dispensary., an instance of Address
  • city (String): City this dispensary is in., a unicode string
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • edibles (GeneralOverview): Information on all of the edibles that this producer makes., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • extracts (GeneralOverview): Information on all of the extracts that this producer makes., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • image (String): Link to the full size image for this record on Cannabis Reports., a unicode string
  • lat (String): Latitude of this dispensary., a unicode string
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • lng (String): Longitude of this dispensary., a unicode string
  • name (String): Name of the dispensary., a unicode string
  • products (GeneralOverview): Information on all of the products that this producer makes., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • reviews (GeneralOverview): The number of reviews for all of the strains available from this seed Producer., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • slug (String): Identifier for this dispensary; a combination of city and state., a unicode string
  • state (String): Two character representation of the state this dispensary is in., a unicode string
  • strains (GeneralOverview): Object containing information about strains available at this dispensary., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string

Object containing additional location information for this dispensary.


City this dispensary is in.


Information on all of the edibles that this producer makes.


Information on all of the extracts that this producer makes.


Latitude of this dispensary.


Longitude of this dispensary.


Name of the dispensary.


Information on all of the products that this producer makes.


The number of reviews for all of the strains available from this seed Producer.


Identifier for this dispensary; a combination of city and state.


Two character representation of the state this dispensary is in.


Object containing information about strains available at this dispensary.

class cannabis_reports.models.Edible(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.models.abstract_item.AbstractItem

Cannabis edibles cover a wide variety of consumable products that

contain cannabis in various forms. From cotton candy, to tinctures, to dog treats, and everything in between.

If it’s a form of cannabis that is meant to be consumed, it is categorized as an edible.

The main forms of edibles that Cannabis Reports recognizes are:

Cannabis Reports also supports “Other” types of edibles. Some examples are:

  • Butter
  • Honey
  • Breath Strips
  • Tea
  • Ice Cream

Producers measure the amount of cannabis in their edibles in a variety of ways. We recognize 4 ways for measuring the cannabis contents:

  • THC mg
  • CBD mg
  • Cannabis mg
  • Hash Oil mg

More information about cannabis edibles can be found in the FAQ.

Required Properties:

  • barcode (String): Link to the barcode for this item., a unicode string
  • cannabis (String): Milligrams of cannabis in this item., a unicode string
  • cbd (String): Amount of CBD in this item., a unicode string
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • hash_oil (String): Milligrams of hash oil in this item., a unicode string
  • image (String): Link to the full size image for this record on Cannabis Reports., a unicode string
  • lab_test (String): Link to the PDF containing lab test information for this item., a unicode string
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • name (String): Name of the item., a unicode string
  • producer (Producer): Information about the producer that created the item., an instance of Producer
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • reviews (GeneralOverview): Object containing information on the reviews for the item., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • strain (Strain): Strain that this item comes from., an instance of Strain
  • thc (String): Amount of THC in this item., a unicode string
  • type (String): Type of item., a unicode string
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string
class cannabis_reports.models.Effect(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.BaseModel

Represents an effect profile.

Required Properties:

  • anxiety (Float): Anxiety effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • appetite_gain (Float): Appetite gain effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • calming (Float): Calming effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • creativity (Float): Creativity effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • dry_mouth (Float): Dry mouth effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • euphoria (Float): Euphoric effect., a float, Default: 0.0
  • numbness (Float): Numbness effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object

Anxiety effect


Appetite gain effect


Calming effect


Creativity effect


Dry mouth effect


Euphoric effect.


Numbness effect

class cannabis_reports.models.EffectsFlavors(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.models.effects_flavors.Effect, cannabis_reports.models.effects_flavors.Flavor

Represents a flavor and effect profile.

Required Properties:

  • anxiety (Float): Anxiety effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • appetite_gain (Float): Appetite gain effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • calming (Float): Calming effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • creativity (Float): Creativity effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • dry_mouth (Float): Dry mouth effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • earthy (Float): Earthy flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • euphoria (Float): Euphoric effect., a float, Default: 0.0
  • fruity (Float): Fruity flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • numbness (Float): Numbness effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • pine (Float): Pine flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • sour (Float): Sour flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • spicy (Float): Spicy flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • sweet (Float): Sweet flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
class cannabis_reports.models.Flavor(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.BaseModel

Represents a flavor profile.

Required Properties:

  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • earthy (Float): Earthy flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • fruity (Float): Fruity flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • pine (Float): Pine flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • sour (Float): Sour flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • spicy (Float): Spicy flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • sweet (Float): Sweet flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object

Earthy flavor


Fruity flavor


Pine flavor


Sour flavor


Spicy flavor


Sweet flavor

class cannabis_reports.models.Extract(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.models.abstract_item.AbstractItem

Cannabis extracts are created from the flowers of the cannabis plant.

Various methods for creating cannabis extracts have been perfected over thousands of years.

Cannabis Reports recognizes 10 main types of extracts:

Each extract is tied to a strain and the producer who created it. For more information about cannabis extracts, check out the FAQ

Required Properties:

  • barcode (String): Link to the barcode for this item., a unicode string
  • cannabis (String): Milligrams of cannabis in this item., a unicode string
  • cbd (String): Amount of CBD in this item., a unicode string
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • hash_oil (String): Milligrams of hash oil in this item., a unicode string
  • image (String): Link to the full size image for this record on Cannabis Reports., a unicode string
  • lab_test (String): Link to the PDF containing lab test information for this item., a unicode string
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • name (String): Name of the item., a unicode string
  • producer (Producer): Information about the producer that created the item., an instance of Producer
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • reviews (GeneralOverview): Object containing information on the reviews for the item., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • strain (Strain): Strain that this item comes from., an instance of Strain
  • thc (String): Amount of THC in this item., a unicode string
  • type (String): Type of item., a unicode string
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string
class cannabis_reports.models.Flower(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.models.abstract_item.AbstractItem

Cannabis flowers are distinct products that can be found on retailer


The Cannabis Reports system allows for specific batches of cannabis flowers to be linked directly to the cultivator that grew the plant, while still maintaining a connection to the original genetics of the strain.

Designating flowers as distinct items improves our ability to discuss the variety of flower quality that can be produced from the same strain grown at different farms.

The main forms of flowers that Cannabis Reports recognizes are:

Producers measure the cannabinoid content of their flowers in many ways. Currently, Cannabis Reports allows producers to display the percentage of weight for THC and CBD.

Required Properties:

  • barcode (String): Link to the barcode for this item., a unicode string
  • cannabis (String): Milligrams of cannabis in this item., a unicode string
  • cbd (String): Amount of CBD in this item., a unicode string
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • hash_oil (String): Milligrams of hash oil in this item., a unicode string
  • image (String): Link to the full size image for this record on Cannabis Reports., a unicode string
  • lab_test (String): Link to the PDF containing lab test information for this item., a unicode string
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • name (String): Name of the item., a unicode string
  • producer (Producer): Information about the producer that created the item., an instance of Producer
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • reviews (GeneralOverview): Object containing information on the reviews for the item., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • strain (Strain): Strain that this item comes from., an instance of Strain
  • thc (String): Amount of THC in this item., a unicode string
  • type (String): Type of item., a unicode string
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string
class cannabis_reports.models.MenuItem(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.BaseModel

Menu items for dispensaries.

Required Properties:

  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • item (Property): The strain, extract, edible, or product.
  • name (String): Name of the item., a unicode string
  • price (Float): The price for the item. This is not set for strains and extracts., a float
  • price_eighth (Float): Price for one eighth ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_gram (Float): Price for one gram of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_half_gram (Float): Price for one half gram of the item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_half_ounce (Float): Price for one half ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_ounce (Float): Price for one ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_quarter (Float): Price for one quarter ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • type (StringChoice): Type of item., any of “strain”, “flower”, “extract”, “edible”, “product”
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object

The strain, extract, edible, or product.


Name of the item.


The price for the item. This is not set for strains and extracts.


Price for one eighth ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products.


Price for one gram of this item. This is not set for edibles and products.


Price for one half gram of the item. This is not set for edibles and products.


Price for one half ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products.


Price for one ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products.


Price for one quarter ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products.


Type of item.

class cannabis_reports.models.MenuItemSummary(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.models.menu_item.MenuItem

Menu item summary for when it is known what the menu item is.

Required Properties:

  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • item (Property): The strain, extract, edible, or product.
  • location (Dispensary): Object containing information about the location this item is at., an instance of Dispensary
  • name (String): Name of the item., a unicode string
  • price (Float): The price for the item. This is not set for strains and extracts., a float
  • price_eighth (Float): Price for one eighth ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_gram (Float): Price for one gram of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_half_gram (Float): Price for one half gram of the item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_half_ounce (Float): Price for one half ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_ounce (Float): Price for one ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • price_quarter (Float): Price for one quarter ounce of this item. This is not set for edibles and products., a float
  • type (StringChoice): Type of item., any of “strain”, “flower”, “extract”, “edible”, “product”
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object

Object containing information about the location this item is at.

class cannabis_reports.models.Producer(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.LinksModelWithImage

Cannabis producers are the ones that create all of the cannabis flowers,

extracts, edibles, and other products we know and love.

More information about cannabis producers can be found in the Cannabis Reports FAQ.

Required Properties:

  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • edibles (GeneralOverview): Information on all of the edibles that this producer makes., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • extracts (GeneralOverview): Information on all of the extracts that this producer makes., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • image (String): Link to the full size image for this record on Cannabis Reports., a unicode string
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • name (String): The name of the producer., a unicode string
  • products (GeneralOverview): Information on all of the products that this producer makes., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • reviews (GeneralOverview): The number of reviews for all of the strains available from this seed Producer., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string

Information on all of the edibles that this producer makes.


Information on all of the extracts that this producer makes.


The name of the producer.


Information on all of the products that this producer makes.


The number of reviews for all of the strains available from this seed Producer.

class cannabis_reports.models.Product(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.models.abstract_item.AbstractItem

Cannabis products cover a wide variety of additional products that

contain cannabis.

Anything that wouldn’t be consumed like an product or extract falls into this category. Pre-rolled cannabis is also in this category.

The main forms of products that Cannabis Reports recognizes are:

Cannabis Reports also supports “Other” types of products. Some examples are:

  • Lip Balm
  • Massage Oil
  • Personal Lubricant

Producers measure the amount of cannabis in their products in a variety of ways. We recognize 4 ways for measuring the cannabis contents:

  • THC mg
  • CBD mg
  • Cannabis mg
  • Hash Oil mg

More information about cannabis products can be found in the FAQ.

Required Properties:

  • barcode (String): Link to the barcode for this item., a unicode string
  • cannabis (String): Milligrams of cannabis in this item., a unicode string
  • cbd (String): Amount of CBD in this item., a unicode string
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • hash_oil (String): Milligrams of hash oil in this item., a unicode string
  • image (String): Link to the full size image for this record on Cannabis Reports., a unicode string
  • lab_test (String): Link to the PDF containing lab test information for this item., a unicode string
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • name (String): Name of the item., a unicode string
  • producer (Producer): Information about the producer that created the item., an instance of Producer
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • reviews (GeneralOverview): Object containing information on the reviews for the item., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • strain (Strain): Strain that this item comes from., an instance of Strain
  • thc (String): Amount of THC in this item., a unicode string
  • type (String): Type of item., a unicode string
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string
class cannabis_reports.models.Review(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.BaseModelWithLinks, cannabis_reports.models.effects_flavors.EffectsFlavors

Represents a CannabisReports review.

Required Properties:

  • anxiety (Float): Anxiety effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • appetite_gain (Float): Appetite gain effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • calming (Float): Calming effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • creativity (Float): Creativity effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • dry_mouth (Float): Dry mouth effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • earthy (Float): Earthy flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • euphoria (Float): Euphoric effect., a float, Default: 0.0
  • fruity (Float): Fruity flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • numbness (Float): Numbness effect, a float, Default: 0.0
  • pine (Float): Pine flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • sour (Float): Sour flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • spicy (Float): Spicy flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • sweet (Float): Sweet flavor, a float, Default: 0.0
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string
class cannabis_reports.models.SeedCompany(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.LineageModel

Cannabis seed companies create the variety of strains available for
growing and breeding.

Required Properties:

  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • image (String): Link to the full size image for this record on Cannabis Reports., a unicode string
  • lineage (Property): Countries of origin for the genetics for the strain. Object keys are the country name and the values are the two character country codes.
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • name (String): The name of this seed company., a unicode string
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • reviews (GeneralOverview): The number of reviews for all of the strains available from this seed company., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • strains (GeneralOverview): Object containing information on the strains available from this seed company., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string

The name of this seed company.


The number of reviews for all of the strains available from this seed company.


Object containing information on the strains available from this seed company.

class cannabis_reports.models.Strain(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.LineageModel

Cannabis strains are the various cultivars available for the cannabis

family. Thousands of years of human domestication and breeding of cannabis strains have resulted in a huge variety of attributes that we know and love today.

Wikipedia Definition

Over time, strain names have been used by various companies in their attempts to recreate the results of other breeders. Cannabis Reports identifies strains not only by their name, but by their seed company as well, to ensure they are all properly represented.

Required Properties:

  • children (GeneralOverview): Object that holds information about the children for the strain., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • genetics (StrainGenetics): Object that holds information about the genetics for the strain., an instance of StrainGenetics
  • image (String): Link to the full size image for this record on Cannabis Reports., a unicode string
  • lineage (Property): Countries of origin for the genetics for the strain. Object keys are the country name and the values are the two character country codes.
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • name (String): Name of the cannabis strain., a unicode string
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • reviews (GeneralOverview): Object that holds information about the reviews for the strain., an instance of GeneralOverview
  • seed_company (SeedCompany): Information about the seed company that created or provides the strain., an instance of SeedCompany
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string

Object that holds information about the children for the strain.


Object that holds information about the genetics for the strain.


Name of the cannabis strain.


Object that holds information about the reviews for the strain.


Information about the seed company that created or provides the strain.

class cannabis_reports.models.StrainGenetics(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.BaseModel

Object that holds information about the genetics for the strain.

Required Properties:

  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • link (String): Link to the genetic listing in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • names (String): Genetics name. More information., a unicode string
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object

Link to the genetic listing in the Cannabis Reports API.


Genetics name. More information.

class cannabis_reports.models.User(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: cannabis_reports.base_model.BaseModelWithLinks

Represents a CannabisReports user.

Required Properties:

  • created_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was created., a datetime object
  • link (String): Link to the record in the Cannabis Reports API., a unicode string
  • nickname (String): The user nickname., a unicode string
  • qr (String): Link to the QR code for this record., a unicode string
  • slug (String): The user slug., a unicode string
  • tagline (String): The user tagline., a unicode string
  • ucpc (String): UCPC code for this record., a unicode string
  • updated_at (CustomDateTime): Localized date and time when this record was modified., a datetime object
  • url (String): Link to the record listing on the Cannabis Reports website., a unicode string

The user nickname.


The user slug.


The user tagline.