Source code for helpscout.models.custom_field

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-TODAY LasLabs Inc.
# License MIT (

import properties

from .. import BaseModel

from .option import Option

[docs]class CustomField(BaseModel): """This represents optional data that can defined for specific mailbox and filled when creating or updating a Conversation.""" field_name = properties.String( 'The name of the field; note that this may change if a field ' 'is renamed, but the ``id`` will not.', required=True, ) field_type = properties.StringChoice( 'Type of the field.', choices=['SINGLE_LINE', 'MULTI_LINE', 'DATA', 'NUMBER', 'DROPDOWN', ], default='SINGLE_LINE', required=True, ) required = properties.Bool( 'Flag for UI to mark the field as required.', ) order = properties.Integer( 'Relative order of the custom field. Can be ``null`` or a number ' 'between ``0`` and ``255``.', min=0, max=255, ) options = properties.List( 'Field options', prop=Option, )