helpscout.models package


helpscout.models.address module

class helpscout.models.address.Address(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

This represents an address.

Required Properties:

  • city (String): City, a unicode string
  • country (String): Country, a unicode string
  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this address was created., a datetime object
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • lines (a list of String): Address line strings, a list (each item is a unicode string)
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this address was modified., a datetime object
  • postal_code (String): Postal Code, a unicode string
  • state (String): State, a unicode string





UTC time when this address was created.


Address line strings


UTC time when this address was modified.


Postal Code



helpscout.models.attachment module

class helpscout.models.attachment.Attachment(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.models.attachment_data.AttachmentData

Required Properties:

  • data (String): base64 encoded data., a unicode string
  • file_name (String): File Name, a unicode string
  • hash (String): Unique hash., a unicode string
  • height (Integer): Image height, an integer
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • mime_type (String): Mime Type, a unicode string
  • size (Integer): Size of the attachment in bytes., an integer
  • url (String): Public-facing url where attachment can be downloaded., a unicode string
  • width (Integer): Image width, an integer

File Name


Unique hash.


Image height


Mime Type


Size of the attachment in bytes.


Public-facing url where attachment can be downloaded.


Image width

helpscout.models.attachment_data module

class helpscout.models.attachment_data.AttachmentData(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • data (String): base64 encoded data., a unicode string
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer

base64 encoded data.


Raw (decoded) attachment data (possibly binary).

helpscout.models.base_conversation module

class helpscout.models.base_conversation.BaseConversation(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

This represents a basic conversation, meant to be subclassed.

Required Properties:

  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when a user last modified this conversation., a datetime object
  • number (Integer): The conversation number displayed in the UI. This number can be used in combination with the id to construct a URI to the conversation on the Help Scout website. Example:<id>/<number>/, an integer
  • preview (String): Conversation preview., a unicode string
  • status (StringChoice): Status of the conversation., any of “active”, “pending”, “closed”, “spam”, Default: pending
  • subject (String): The subject of the conversation., a unicode string
  • thread_count (Integer): This count represents the number of published threads found on the conversation (it does not include line items, drafts or threads held for review by Traffic Cop)., an integer

UTC time when a user last modified this conversation.


The conversation number displayed in the UI. This number can be used in combination with the id to construct a URI to the conversation on the Help Scout website. Examplehttps -- //<id>/<number>/


Conversation preview.


Status of the conversation.


The subject of the conversation.


This count represents the number of published threads found on the conversation (it does not include line items, drafts or threads held for review by Traffic Cop). module


Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

This represents a chat (IM) address.

Required Properties:

  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • type (StringChoice): Type, any of “aim”, “gtalk”, “icq”, “xmpp”, “msn”, “skype”, “yahoo”, “qq”, “other”, Default: other
  • value (String): Value, a unicode string




helpscout.models.conversation module

class helpscout.models.conversation.Conversation(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.models.base_conversation.BaseConversation

This represents a full conversation result.

Required Properties:

  • bcc (a list of String): Emails that are BCCd., a list (each item is a unicode string)
  • cc (a list of String): Emails that are CCd., a list (each item is a unicode string)
  • closed_at (DateTime): UTC time when this conversation was closed. Null if not closed., a datetime object
  • closed_by (Person): The Help Scout user who closed this conversation., an instance of Person
  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this conversation was created., a datetime object
  • created_by (Person): The Person who created this conversation. The type property will specify whether it was created by a user or a customer., an instance of Person
  • created_by_type (String): The type of user that created this conversation., a unicode string
  • customer (Person): The customer who this conversation is associated with., an instance of Person
  • draft (Bool): Is this a draft conversation? This property duplicates is_draft, but both are received in API responses at the same time so neither can be considered “deprecated”., a boolean
  • folder_id (Integer): ID of the Mailbox Folder to which this conversation resides., an integer
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • is_draft (Bool): Is this a draft conversation? This property duplicates draft, but both are received in API responses at the same time so neither can be considered “deprecated”., a boolean
  • locked (Bool): If this conversation is locked from editing., a boolean
  • mailbox (MailboxRef): The mailbox to which this conversation belongs., an instance of MailboxRef
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when a user last modified this conversation., a datetime object
  • number (Integer): The conversation number displayed in the UI. This number can be used in combination with the id to construct a URI to the conversation on the Help Scout website. Example:<id>/<number>/, an integer
  • owner (Person): The Help Scout user who is currently assigned to this conversation., an instance of Person
  • preview (String): Conversation preview., a unicode string
  • source (Source): Specifies the method in which this conversation was created., an instance of Source
  • spam (Bool): If this conversation is marked as SPAM., a boolean
  • status (StringChoice): Status of the conversation., any of “active”, “pending”, “closed”, “spam”, Default: pending
  • subject (String): The subject of the conversation., a unicode string
  • tags (a list of String): Tags for the conversation, a list (each item is a unicode string)
  • thread_count (Integer): This count represents the number of published threads found on the conversation (it does not include line items, drafts or threads held for review by Traffic Cop)., an integer
  • threads (a list of Thread): Threads associated with the conversation., a list (each item is an instance of Thread)
  • type (StringChoice): The type of conversation., any of “email”, “chat”, “phone”, “spam”
  • user_modified_at (DateTime): Last time that this conversation was edited by a user., a datetime object

Emails that are BCCd.


Emails that are CCd.


UTC time when this conversation was closed. Null if not closed.


The Help Scout user who closed this conversation.


UTC time when this conversation was created.


The Person who created this conversation. The type property will specify whether it was created by a user or a customer.


The type of user that created this conversation.


The customer who this conversation is associated with.


Is this a draft conversation? This property duplicates is_draft, but both are received in API responses at the same time so neither can be considered “deprecated”.


ID of the Mailbox Folder to which this conversation resides.


Is this a draft conversation? This property duplicates draft, but both are received in API responses at the same time so neither can be considered “deprecated”.


If this conversation is locked from editing.


The mailbox to which this conversation belongs.


The Help Scout user who is currently assigned to this conversation.


Specifies the method in which this conversation was created.


If this conversation is marked as SPAM.


Tags for the conversation


Threads associated with the conversation.


The type of conversation.


Last time that this conversation was edited by a user.

helpscout.models.custom_field module

class helpscout.models.custom_field.CustomField(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

This represents optional data that can defined for specific mailbox
and filled when creating or updating a Conversation.

Required Properties:

  • field_name (String): The name of the field; note that this may change if a field is renamed, but the id will not., a unicode string
  • field_type (StringChoice): Type of the field., any of “SINGLE_LINE”, “MULTI_LINE”, “DATA”, “NUMBER”, “DROPDOWN”, Default: SINGLE_LINE
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • options (a list of Option): Field options, a list (each item is an instance of Option)
  • order (Integer): Relative order of the custom field. Can be null or a number between 0 and 255., an integer in range [0, 255]
  • required (Bool): Flag for UI to mark the field as required., a boolean

The name of the field; note that this may change if a field is renamed, but the id will not.


Type of the field.


Field options


Relative order of the custom field. Can be null or a number between 0 and 255.


Flag for UI to mark the field as required.

helpscout.models.customer module

class helpscout.models.customer.Customer(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.models.search_customer.SearchCustomer

This represents a customer, which is a type of person.

Required Properties:

  • address (Address): The address for this customer., an instance of Address
  • age (String): Age (or age range) of this customer., a unicode string
  • background (String): This is the Notes field from the user interface., a unicode string
  • chats (a list of Chat): Chat addresses for this customer., a list (each item is an instance of Chat)
  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this customer was created., a datetime object
  • email (String): Email, a unicode string
  • emails (a list of Email): Email addresses for this customer., a list (each item is an instance of Email)
  • first_name (String): First name, a unicode string
  • full_name (String): Full name for the customer, a unicode string
  • gender (StringChoice): Gender of this customer., any of “female”, “male”, “unknown”, Default: unknown
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • job_title (String): Job title at company/organization., a unicode string
  • last_name (String): Last name, a unicode string
  • location (String): Location, a unicode string
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this customer was modified., a datetime object
  • organization (String): Company/Organization the customer identifies with., a unicode string
  • phone (String): Phone is only populated when the Person is a customer associated with a Conversation of type phone and a phone number was specified at the time the conversation was created., a unicode string
  • phones (a list of Phone): Phone numbers for this customer., a list (each item is an instance of Phone)
  • photo_type (StringChoice): Type of photo., any of “unknown”, “gravatar”, “twitter”, “facebook”, “googleprofile”, “googleplus”, “linkedin”
  • photo_url (String): The user’s photo, if one exists., a unicode string
  • social_profiles (a list of SocialProfile): Social profiles that represent this customer., a list (each item is an instance of SocialProfile)
  • type (StringChoice): The type of person., any of “user”, “customer”, “team”, Default: customer
  • websites (a list of Website): Websites for this customer., a list (each item is an instance of Website)

Other Properties:

  • customer_person_type (dynamic Bool): customer boolean, a boolean

The address for this customer.


This is the Notes field from the user interface.


Chat addresses for this customer.


Email addresses for this customer.


Phone numbers for this customer.


Social profiles that represent this customer.


Websites for this customer. module


Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • location (StringChoice): Location for this email address., any of “home”, “work”, “other”, Default: other
  • value (String): Email Address, a unicode string

Location for this email address.


Email Address

helpscout.models.field module

class helpscout.models.field.Field(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

The field object represents a user’s response to a custom field
in the context of a single conversation.

Required Properties:

  • field_id (Integer): The field definition identifier; note that multiple conversations will each have values for the same field identifier., an integer
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • label (String): String representation of the custom field’s value. Unlike value it contains the actual dropdown option value for DROPDOWN custom field., a unicode string
  • name (String): The name of the field; note that this may change if a field is renamed, but the field_id will not., a unicode string
  • type (StringChoice): Type of the custom field., any of “SINGLE_LINE”, “MULTI_LINE”, “DATE”, “NUMBER”, “DROPDOWN”
  • value (String): The value the user specified for the field., a unicode string

The field definition identifier; note that multiple conversations will each have values for the same field identifier.


String representation of the custom field’s value. Unlike value it contains the actual dropdown option value for DROPDOWN custom field.


The name of the field; note that this may change if a field is renamed, but the field_id will not.


Type of the custom field.


The value the user specified for the field.

helpscout.models.folder module

class helpscout.models.folder.Folder(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • active_count (Integer): Total number of conversations in this folder that are in an active state (vs pending)., an integer
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this folder was modified., a datetime object
  • name (String): Folder name, a unicode string
  • total_count (Integer): Total number of conversations in this folder., an integer
  • type (StringChoice): The type of folder., any of “needsattention”, “drafts”, “assigned”, “open”, “closed”, “spam”, “mine”, “team”, Default: drafts
  • user_id (Integer): If the folder type is MyTickets, this represents the Help Scout user to which this folder belongs. Otherwise it is empty., an integer

Total number of conversations in this folder that are in an active state (vs pending).


UTC time when this folder was modified.


Folder name


Total number of conversations in this folder.


The type of folder.


If the folder type is MyTickets, this represents the Help Scout user to which this folder belongs. Otherwise it is empty.

helpscout.models.mailbox module

class helpscout.models.mailbox.Mailbox(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.models.mailbox_ref.MailboxRef

Required Properties:

  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this mailbox was created., a datetime object
  • email (String): Email address, a unicode string
  • folders (a list of Folder): Folders that this mailbox contains., a list (each item is an instance of Folder)
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this mailbox was modified., a datetime object
  • name (String): Name of the Mailbox., a unicode string
  • slug (String): Key used to represent this Mailbox., a unicode string

UTC time when this mailbox was created.


Email address


Folders that this mailbox contains.


UTC time when this mailbox was modified.


Key used to represent this Mailbox.

helpscout.models.mailbox_ref module

class helpscout.models.mailbox_ref.MailboxRef(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

The mailbox ref is a subset of the full Mailbox object.

Required Properties:

  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • name (String): Name of the Mailbox., a unicode string

Name of the Mailbox.

helpscout.models.option module

class helpscout.models.option.Option(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

This represents option for a custom field of type DROPDOWN.

Required Properties:

  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • label (String): Label of the option., a unicode string
  • order (Integer): Relative order of the custom field. Can be null or a number between 0 and 255., an integer in range [0, 255]

Label of the option.


Relative order of the custom field. Can be null or a number between 0 and 255.

helpscout.models.person module

class helpscout.models.person.Person(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

This is a subset of the data representing a Customer, User or Team.

The type property will specify if this person is represented by a user, customer or team.

Required Properties:

  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this customer was created., a datetime object
  • email (String): Email, a unicode string
  • emails (a list of String): Email addresses for this person., a list (each item is a unicode string)
  • first_name (String): First name, a unicode string
  • full_name (String): Full name for the customer, a unicode string
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • last_name (String): Last name, a unicode string
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this customer was modified., a datetime object
  • phone (String): Phone is only populated when the Person is a customer associated with a Conversation of type phone and a phone number was specified at the time the conversation was created., a unicode string
  • photo_url (String): The user’s photo, if one exists., a unicode string
  • type (StringChoice): The type of person., any of “user”, “customer”, “team”, Default: customer

Other Properties:

  • customer_person_type (dynamic Bool): customer boolean, a boolean

UTC time when this customer was created.


customer boolean




Email addresses for this person.


First name


Full name for the customer


Last name


UTC time when this customer was modified.


Phone is only populated when the Person is a customer associated with a Conversation of type phone and a phone number was specified at the time the conversation was created.


The user’s photo, if one exists.


The type of person. module


Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • location (StringChoice): Location for this phone number., any of “home”, “fax”, “mobile”, “pager”, “work”, “other”, Default: other
  • value (String): Phone Number, a unicode string

Location for this phone number.


Phone Number

helpscout.models.rating module

class helpscout.models.rating.Rating(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • comments (String): Additional comments, a unicode string
  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this rating was created., a datetime object
  • customer (Customer): Partial customer object., an instance of Customer
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • mailbox (MailboxRef): Reference to the mailbox that the conversation belongs to., an instance of MailboxRef
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this rating was modified., a datetime object
  • rating (StringChoice): Satisfaction rating., any of “Great”, “Okay”, “Bad”
  • thread_id (Integer): Thread ID, an integer
  • ticket_id (Integer): Ticket ID, an integer

Additional comments


UTC time when this rating was created.


Partial customer object.


Reference to the mailbox that the conversation belongs to.


UTC time when this rating was modified.


Satisfaction rating.


Thread ID


Ticket ID

helpscout.models.search_conversation module

class helpscout.models.search_conversation.SearchConversation(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.models.base_conversation.BaseConversation

This represents a conversation as returned by search results.

Required Properties:

  • customer_email (String): Email address of the customer, a unicode string
  • customer_name (String): Name of the customer this conversation is regarding., a unicode string
  • has_attachments (Bool): True when the conversation has at least one attachment., a boolean
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • mailbox_id (Integer): The ID of the mailbox this conversation is in., an integer
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when a user last modified this conversation., a datetime object
  • number (Integer): The conversation number displayed in the UI. This number can be used in combination with the id to construct a URI to the conversation on the Help Scout website. Example:<id>/<number>/, an integer
  • preview (String): Conversation preview., a unicode string
  • status (StringChoice): Status of the conversation., any of “active”, “pending”, “closed”, “spam”, Default: pending
  • subject (String): The subject of the conversation., a unicode string
  • thread_count (Integer): This count represents the number of published threads found on the conversation (it does not include line items, drafts or threads held for review by Traffic Cop)., an integer

Email address of the customer


Name of the customer this conversation is regarding.


True when the conversation has at least one attachment.


The ID of the mailbox this conversation is in.

helpscout.models.search_customer module

class helpscout.models.search_customer.SearchCustomer(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.models.person.Person

This represents a customer as returned by a search.

Required Properties:

  • age (String): Age (or age range) of this customer., a unicode string
  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this customer was created., a datetime object
  • email (String): Email, a unicode string
  • emails (a list of String): Email addresses for the customer., a list (each item is a unicode string)
  • first_name (String): First name, a unicode string
  • full_name (String): Full name for the customer, a unicode string
  • gender (StringChoice): Gender of this customer., any of “female”, “male”, “unknown”, Default: unknown
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • job_title (String): Job title at company/organization., a unicode string
  • last_name (String): Last name, a unicode string
  • location (String): Location, a unicode string
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this customer was modified., a datetime object
  • organization (String): Company/Organization the customer identifies with., a unicode string
  • phone (String): Phone is only populated when the Person is a customer associated with a Conversation of type phone and a phone number was specified at the time the conversation was created., a unicode string
  • photo_type (StringChoice): Type of photo., any of “unknown”, “gravatar”, “twitter”, “facebook”, “googleprofile”, “googleplus”, “linkedin”
  • photo_url (String): The user’s photo, if one exists., a unicode string
  • type (StringChoice): The type of person., any of “user”, “customer”, “team”, Default: customer

Other Properties:

  • customer_person_type (dynamic Bool): customer boolean, a boolean

Age (or age range) of this customer.


Email addresses for the customer.


Gender of this customer.


Job title at company/organization.




Company/Organization the customer identifies with.


Type of photo.

helpscout.models.social_profile module

class helpscout.models.social_profile.SocialProfile(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • type (StringChoice): Type of social profile., any of “twitter”, “facebook”, “linkedin”, “aboutme”, “google”, “googleplus”, “tungleme”, “quora”, “foursquare”, “youtube”, “flickr”, “other”, Default: other
  • value (String): Username, a unicode string

Type of social profile.



helpscout.models.source module

class helpscout.models.source.Source(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • type (StringChoice): The method from which this conversation (or thread) was created., any of “email”, “web”, “notification”, “emailfwd”, “api”, “chat”, Default: api
  • via (StringChoice): Indicates what type of entity this source represents (customer, user)., either “customer” or “user”

The method from which this conversation (or thread) was created.


Indicates what type of entity this source represents (customer, user).

helpscout.models.tag module

class helpscout.models.tag.Tag(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • color (Color): The tag color., a color
  • count (Integer): The number of times the tag is used., an integer
  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this tag was created., a datetime object
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this tag was modified., a datetime object
  • slug (String): Slugified version of the tag value., a unicode string
  • tag (String): The tag value., a unicode string

The tag color.


The number of times the tag is used.


UTC time when this tag was created.


UTC time when this tag was modified.


Slugified version of the tag value.


The tag value.

helpscout.models.thread module

class helpscout.models.thread.Thread(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • action_source_id (Integer): Associated with the action_type property.
  • If action_type is movedFromMailbox, this will be the id of the mailbox the conversation was moved from.
  • If action_type is merged, this will be the id of the original conversation.
  • If action_type is imported, this will be null.
  • If action_type is workflow, this will be the id of the workflow that was run.

, an integer * action_type (StringChoice): Describes an optional action associated with the line item., any of “movedFromMailbox”, “merged”, “imported”, “workflow”, “importedExternal”, “changedTicketCustomer”, “deletedTicket”, “restoredTicket”, “originalCreator” * assigned_to (Person): The Help Scout user assigned to this conversation., an instance of Person * attachments (a list of Attachment): Attachments, a list (each item is an instance of Attachment) * bcc (a list of String): BCC to, a list (each item is a unicode string) * body (String): Body text, a unicode string * cc (a list of String): CC to, a list (each item is a unicode string) * created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this thread was created., a datetime object * created_by (Person): The Person who created this thread. The type property will specify whether it was created by a user or a customer., an instance of Person * created_by_customer (Bool): Equivalent to created_by.type == "customer"., a boolean * customer (Person): If thread type is message, this is the customer associated with the conversation. If thread type is customer, this is the the customer who initiated the thread., an instance of Person * from_mailbox (MailboxRef): If the conversation was moved, this represents the MailboxRef from which it was moved., an instance of MailboxRef * id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer * opened_at (DateTime): UTC time when this thread was viewed by the customer. Only applies to threads with a type of message., a datetime object * saved_reply_id (Integer): ID of Saved reply that was used to create this Thread., an integer * source (Source): Origin of thread, an instance of Source * state (StringChoice): The state of the thread. A state of underreview means the thread has been stopped by Traffic Cop and is waiting to be confirmed (or discarded) by the person that created the thread. A state of hidden means the thread was hidden (or removed) from customer-facing emails., any of “published”, “draft”, “underreview”, “hidden” * status (StringChoice): Status of the thread., any of “nochange”, “active”, “pending”, “closed”, “spam” * to (a list of String): Email to, a list (each item is a unicode string) * type (StringChoice): The type of thread. A lineitem represents a change of state on the conversation. This could include, but not limited to, the conversation was assigned, the status changed, the conversation was moved from one mailbox to another, etc. A line item won’t have a body, to/cc/bcc lists, or attachments. When a conversation is forwarded, a new conversation is created to represent the forwarded conversation. forwardparent ``is the type set on the thread of the original conversation that initiated the forward event. ``forwardchild is the type set on the first thread of the new forwarded conversation., any of “lineitem”, “note”, “message”, “chat”, “customer”, “forwardparent”, “forwardchild”, “phone”


Associated with the action_type property.

  • If action_type is movedFromMailbox, this will be the id of the mailbox the conversation was moved from.
  • If action_type is merged, this will be the id of the original conversation.
  • If action_type is imported, this will be null.
  • If action_type is workflow, this will be the id of the workflow that was run.

Describes an optional action associated with the line item.


The Help Scout user assigned to this conversation.




BCC to


Body text


CC to


UTC time when this thread was created.


The Person who created this thread. The type property will specify whether it was created by a user or a customer.


Equivalent to created_by.type == "customer".


If thread type is message, this is the customer associated with the conversation. If thread type is customer, this is the the customer who initiated the thread.


If the conversation was moved, this represents the MailboxRef from which it was moved.


UTC time when this thread was viewed by the customer. Only applies to threads with a type of message.


ID of Saved reply that was used to create this Thread.


Origin of thread


The state of the thread. A state of underreview means the thread has been stopped by Traffic Cop and is waiting to be confirmed (or discarded) by the person that created the thread. A state of hidden means the thread was hidden (or removed) from customer-facing emails.


Status of the thread.


Email to


The type of thread. A lineitem represents a change of state on the conversation. This could include, but not limited to, the conversation was assigned, the status changed, the conversation was moved from one mailbox to another, etc. A line item won’t have a body, to/cc/bcc lists, or attachments. When a conversation is forwarded, a new conversation is created to represent the forwarded conversation. forwardparent ``is the type set on the thread of the original conversation that initiated the forward event. ``forwardchild is the type set on the first thread of the new forwarded conversation.

helpscout.models.user module

class helpscout.models.user.User(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.models.person.Person

Required Properties:

  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this customer was created., a datetime object
  • email (String): Email, a unicode string
  • emails (a list of String): Email addresses for this person., a list (each item is a unicode string)
  • first_name (String): First name, a unicode string
  • full_name (String): Full name for the customer, a unicode string
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • last_name (String): Last name, a unicode string
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this customer was modified., a datetime object
  • phone (String): Phone is only populated when the Person is a customer associated with a Conversation of type phone and a phone number was specified at the time the conversation was created., a unicode string
  • photo_url (String): The user’s photo, if one exists., a unicode string
  • role (StringChoice): Role of this user., any of “owner”, “admin”, “user”
  • timezone (String): Name of the user’s time zone., a unicode string
  • type (StringChoice): The type of user., either “user” or “team”

Other Properties:

  • customer_person_type (dynamic Bool): customer boolean, a boolean

Role of this user.


Name of the user’s time zone.


The type of user.

helpscout.models.web_hook module

class helpscout.models.web_hook.WebHook(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • events (a list of StringChoice): The events to subscribe to., a list (each item is any of “convo.agent.reply.created” (An agent replied to the conversation.), “convo.assigned” (Conversation was assigned.), “convo.created” (Conversation was created.), “convo.customer.reply.created” (The customer replied to the conversation.), “convo.deleted” (Conversation was deleted.), “convo.merged” (Conversation was merged.), “convo.moved” (Conversation was moved.), “convo.note.created” (A note was added to the conversation.), “convo.status” (Conversation status was updated.), “convo.tags” (Conversation tags were updated.), “customer.created” (A customer was created.), “satisfaction.ratings” (A rating was received.))
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • secret_key (String): A randomly-generated (by you) string of 40 characters or less used to create signatures for each webhook method. Help Scout uses this secret key to generate a signature for each webhook message. When the message is received at your callback URL, you can calculate a signature and compare to the one Help Scout sends. If the signatures match, you know it’s from Help Scout., a unicode string
  • url (String): The callback URL where Help Scout will post your webhook events. This is the script or location where you’ll handle the data received from Help Scout., a unicode string

The events to subscribe to.


A randomly-generated (by you) string of 40 characters or less used to create signatures for each webhook method. Help Scout uses this secret key to generate a signature for each webhook message. When the message is received at your callback URL, you can calculate a signature and compare to the one Help Scout sends. If the signatures match, you know it’s from Help Scout.


The callback URL where Help Scout will post your webhook events. This is the script or location where you’ll handle the data received from Help Scout.

helpscout.models.web_hook_event module

class helpscout.models.web_hook_event.WebHookEvent(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • event_type (StringChoice): The event type that this object represents., any of “convo.agent.reply.created” (An agent replied to the conversation.), “convo.assigned” (Conversation was assigned.), “convo.created” (Conversation was created.), “convo.customer.reply.created” (The customer replied to the conversation.), “convo.deleted” (Conversation was deleted.), “convo.merged” (Conversation was merged.), “convo.moved” (Conversation was moved.), “convo.note.created” (A note was added to the conversation.), “convo.status” (Conversation status was updated.), “convo.tags” (Conversation tags were updated.), “customer.created” (A customer was created.), “satisfaction.ratings” (A rating was received.)
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • record (BaseModel): The parsed data record that was received in the request., an instance of BaseModel

The event type that this object represents.


The parsed data record that was received in the request. module


Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • value (String): URI, a unicode string


helpscout.models.workflow module

class helpscout.models.workflow.Workflow(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this workflow was created., a datetime object
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • mailbox_id (Integer): The mailbox ID that this workflow is associated with., an integer
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this workflow was modified., a datetime object
  • name (String): Workflow name., a unicode string
  • order (Integer): The order of the workflow., an integer, Default: 1
  • status (StringChoice): The status of the workflow., any of “active”, “inactive”, “invalid”, Default: invalid
  • type (StringChoice): The type of workflow., either “automatic” or “manual”, Default: manual

UTC time when this workflow was created.


The mailbox ID that this workflow is associated with.


UTC time when this workflow was modified.


Workflow name.


The order of the workflow.


The status of the workflow.


The type of workflow.

Module contents

class helpscout.models.Address(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

This represents an address.

Required Properties:

  • city (String): City, a unicode string
  • country (String): Country, a unicode string
  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this address was created., a datetime object
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • lines (a list of String): Address line strings, a list (each item is a unicode string)
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this address was modified., a datetime object
  • postal_code (String): Postal Code, a unicode string
  • state (String): State, a unicode string





UTC time when this address was created.


Address line strings


UTC time when this address was modified.


Postal Code



class helpscout.models.Attachment(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.models.attachment_data.AttachmentData

Required Properties:

  • data (String): base64 encoded data., a unicode string
  • file_name (String): File Name, a unicode string
  • hash (String): Unique hash., a unicode string
  • height (Integer): Image height, an integer
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • mime_type (String): Mime Type, a unicode string
  • size (Integer): Size of the attachment in bytes., an integer
  • url (String): Public-facing url where attachment can be downloaded., a unicode string
  • width (Integer): Image width, an integer

File Name


Unique hash.


Image height


Mime Type


Size of the attachment in bytes.


Public-facing url where attachment can be downloaded.


Image width

class helpscout.models.AttachmentData(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • data (String): base64 encoded data., a unicode string
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer

base64 encoded data.


Raw (decoded) attachment data (possibly binary).

class helpscout.models.BaseConversation(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

This represents a basic conversation, meant to be subclassed.

Required Properties:

  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when a user last modified this conversation., a datetime object
  • number (Integer): The conversation number displayed in the UI. This number can be used in combination with the id to construct a URI to the conversation on the Help Scout website. Example:<id>/<number>/, an integer
  • preview (String): Conversation preview., a unicode string
  • status (StringChoice): Status of the conversation., any of “active”, “pending”, “closed”, “spam”, Default: pending
  • subject (String): The subject of the conversation., a unicode string
  • thread_count (Integer): This count represents the number of published threads found on the conversation (it does not include line items, drafts or threads held for review by Traffic Cop)., an integer

UTC time when a user last modified this conversation.


The conversation number displayed in the UI. This number can be used in combination with the id to construct a URI to the conversation on the Help Scout website. Examplehttps -- //<id>/<number>/


Conversation preview.


Status of the conversation.


The subject of the conversation.


This count represents the number of published threads found on the conversation (it does not include line items, drafts or threads held for review by Traffic Cop).

class helpscout.models.Chat(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

This represents a chat (IM) address.

Required Properties:

  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • type (StringChoice): Type, any of “aim”, “gtalk”, “icq”, “xmpp”, “msn”, “skype”, “yahoo”, “qq”, “other”, Default: other
  • value (String): Value, a unicode string




class helpscout.models.Conversation(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.models.base_conversation.BaseConversation

This represents a full conversation result.

Required Properties:

  • bcc (a list of String): Emails that are BCCd., a list (each item is a unicode string)
  • cc (a list of String): Emails that are CCd., a list (each item is a unicode string)
  • closed_at (DateTime): UTC time when this conversation was closed. Null if not closed., a datetime object
  • closed_by (Person): The Help Scout user who closed this conversation., an instance of Person
  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this conversation was created., a datetime object
  • created_by (Person): The Person who created this conversation. The type property will specify whether it was created by a user or a customer., an instance of Person
  • created_by_type (String): The type of user that created this conversation., a unicode string
  • customer (Person): The customer who this conversation is associated with., an instance of Person
  • draft (Bool): Is this a draft conversation? This property duplicates is_draft, but both are received in API responses at the same time so neither can be considered “deprecated”., a boolean
  • folder_id (Integer): ID of the Mailbox Folder to which this conversation resides., an integer
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • is_draft (Bool): Is this a draft conversation? This property duplicates draft, but both are received in API responses at the same time so neither can be considered “deprecated”., a boolean
  • locked (Bool): If this conversation is locked from editing., a boolean
  • mailbox (MailboxRef): The mailbox to which this conversation belongs., an instance of MailboxRef
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when a user last modified this conversation., a datetime object
  • number (Integer): The conversation number displayed in the UI. This number can be used in combination with the id to construct a URI to the conversation on the Help Scout website. Example:<id>/<number>/, an integer
  • owner (Person): The Help Scout user who is currently assigned to this conversation., an instance of Person
  • preview (String): Conversation preview., a unicode string
  • source (Source): Specifies the method in which this conversation was created., an instance of Source
  • spam (Bool): If this conversation is marked as SPAM., a boolean
  • status (StringChoice): Status of the conversation., any of “active”, “pending”, “closed”, “spam”, Default: pending
  • subject (String): The subject of the conversation., a unicode string
  • tags (a list of String): Tags for the conversation, a list (each item is a unicode string)
  • thread_count (Integer): This count represents the number of published threads found on the conversation (it does not include line items, drafts or threads held for review by Traffic Cop)., an integer
  • threads (a list of Thread): Threads associated with the conversation., a list (each item is an instance of Thread)
  • type (StringChoice): The type of conversation., any of “email”, “chat”, “phone”, “spam”
  • user_modified_at (DateTime): Last time that this conversation was edited by a user., a datetime object

Emails that are BCCd.


Emails that are CCd.


UTC time when this conversation was closed. Null if not closed.


The Help Scout user who closed this conversation.


UTC time when this conversation was created.


The Person who created this conversation. The type property will specify whether it was created by a user or a customer.


The type of user that created this conversation.


The customer who this conversation is associated with.


Is this a draft conversation? This property duplicates is_draft, but both are received in API responses at the same time so neither can be considered “deprecated”.


ID of the Mailbox Folder to which this conversation resides.


Is this a draft conversation? This property duplicates draft, but both are received in API responses at the same time so neither can be considered “deprecated”.


If this conversation is locked from editing.


The mailbox to which this conversation belongs.


The Help Scout user who is currently assigned to this conversation.


Specifies the method in which this conversation was created.


If this conversation is marked as SPAM.


Tags for the conversation


Threads associated with the conversation.


The type of conversation.


Last time that this conversation was edited by a user.

class helpscout.models.CustomField(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

This represents optional data that can defined for specific mailbox
and filled when creating or updating a Conversation.

Required Properties:

  • field_name (String): The name of the field; note that this may change if a field is renamed, but the id will not., a unicode string
  • field_type (StringChoice): Type of the field., any of “SINGLE_LINE”, “MULTI_LINE”, “DATA”, “NUMBER”, “DROPDOWN”, Default: SINGLE_LINE
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • options (a list of Option): Field options, a list (each item is an instance of Option)
  • order (Integer): Relative order of the custom field. Can be null or a number between 0 and 255., an integer in range [0, 255]
  • required (Bool): Flag for UI to mark the field as required., a boolean

The name of the field; note that this may change if a field is renamed, but the id will not.


Type of the field.


Field options


Relative order of the custom field. Can be null or a number between 0 and 255.


Flag for UI to mark the field as required.

class helpscout.models.Customer(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.models.search_customer.SearchCustomer

This represents a customer, which is a type of person.

Required Properties:

  • address (Address): The address for this customer., an instance of Address
  • age (String): Age (or age range) of this customer., a unicode string
  • background (String): This is the Notes field from the user interface., a unicode string
  • chats (a list of Chat): Chat addresses for this customer., a list (each item is an instance of Chat)
  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this customer was created., a datetime object
  • email (String): Email, a unicode string
  • emails (a list of Email): Email addresses for this customer., a list (each item is an instance of Email)
  • first_name (String): First name, a unicode string
  • full_name (String): Full name for the customer, a unicode string
  • gender (StringChoice): Gender of this customer., any of “female”, “male”, “unknown”, Default: unknown
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • job_title (String): Job title at company/organization., a unicode string
  • last_name (String): Last name, a unicode string
  • location (String): Location, a unicode string
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this customer was modified., a datetime object
  • organization (String): Company/Organization the customer identifies with., a unicode string
  • phone (String): Phone is only populated when the Person is a customer associated with a Conversation of type phone and a phone number was specified at the time the conversation was created., a unicode string
  • phones (a list of Phone): Phone numbers for this customer., a list (each item is an instance of Phone)
  • photo_type (StringChoice): Type of photo., any of “unknown”, “gravatar”, “twitter”, “facebook”, “googleprofile”, “googleplus”, “linkedin”
  • photo_url (String): The user’s photo, if one exists., a unicode string
  • social_profiles (a list of SocialProfile): Social profiles that represent this customer., a list (each item is an instance of SocialProfile)
  • type (StringChoice): The type of person., any of “user”, “customer”, “team”, Default: customer
  • websites (a list of Website): Websites for this customer., a list (each item is an instance of Website)

Other Properties:

  • customer_person_type (dynamic Bool): customer boolean, a boolean

The address for this customer.


This is the Notes field from the user interface.


Chat addresses for this customer.


Email addresses for this customer.


Phone numbers for this customer.


Social profiles that represent this customer.


Websites for this customer.

class helpscout.models.Email(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • location (StringChoice): Location for this email address., any of “home”, “work”, “other”, Default: other
  • value (String): Email Address, a unicode string

Location for this email address.


Email Address

class helpscout.models.Field(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

The field object represents a user’s response to a custom field
in the context of a single conversation.

Required Properties:

  • field_id (Integer): The field definition identifier; note that multiple conversations will each have values for the same field identifier., an integer
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • label (String): String representation of the custom field’s value. Unlike value it contains the actual dropdown option value for DROPDOWN custom field., a unicode string
  • name (String): The name of the field; note that this may change if a field is renamed, but the field_id will not., a unicode string
  • type (StringChoice): Type of the custom field., any of “SINGLE_LINE”, “MULTI_LINE”, “DATE”, “NUMBER”, “DROPDOWN”
  • value (String): The value the user specified for the field., a unicode string

The field definition identifier; note that multiple conversations will each have values for the same field identifier.


String representation of the custom field’s value. Unlike value it contains the actual dropdown option value for DROPDOWN custom field.


The name of the field; note that this may change if a field is renamed, but the field_id will not.


Type of the custom field.


The value the user specified for the field.

class helpscout.models.Folder(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • active_count (Integer): Total number of conversations in this folder that are in an active state (vs pending)., an integer
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this folder was modified., a datetime object
  • name (String): Folder name, a unicode string
  • total_count (Integer): Total number of conversations in this folder., an integer
  • type (StringChoice): The type of folder., any of “needsattention”, “drafts”, “assigned”, “open”, “closed”, “spam”, “mine”, “team”, Default: drafts
  • user_id (Integer): If the folder type is MyTickets, this represents the Help Scout user to which this folder belongs. Otherwise it is empty., an integer

Total number of conversations in this folder that are in an active state (vs pending).


UTC time when this folder was modified.


Folder name


Total number of conversations in this folder.


The type of folder.


If the folder type is MyTickets, this represents the Help Scout user to which this folder belongs. Otherwise it is empty.

class helpscout.models.Mailbox(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.models.mailbox_ref.MailboxRef

Required Properties:

  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this mailbox was created., a datetime object
  • email (String): Email address, a unicode string
  • folders (a list of Folder): Folders that this mailbox contains., a list (each item is an instance of Folder)
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this mailbox was modified., a datetime object
  • name (String): Name of the Mailbox., a unicode string
  • slug (String): Key used to represent this Mailbox., a unicode string

UTC time when this mailbox was created.


Email address


Folders that this mailbox contains.


UTC time when this mailbox was modified.


Key used to represent this Mailbox.

class helpscout.models.MailboxRef(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

The mailbox ref is a subset of the full Mailbox object.

Required Properties:

  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • name (String): Name of the Mailbox., a unicode string

Name of the Mailbox.

class helpscout.models.Option(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

This represents option for a custom field of type DROPDOWN.

Required Properties:

  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • label (String): Label of the option., a unicode string
  • order (Integer): Relative order of the custom field. Can be null or a number between 0 and 255., an integer in range [0, 255]

Label of the option.


Relative order of the custom field. Can be null or a number between 0 and 255.

class helpscout.models.Person(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

This is a subset of the data representing a Customer, User or Team.

The type property will specify if this person is represented by a user, customer or team.

Required Properties:

  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this customer was created., a datetime object
  • email (String): Email, a unicode string
  • emails (a list of String): Email addresses for this person., a list (each item is a unicode string)
  • first_name (String): First name, a unicode string
  • full_name (String): Full name for the customer, a unicode string
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • last_name (String): Last name, a unicode string
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this customer was modified., a datetime object
  • phone (String): Phone is only populated when the Person is a customer associated with a Conversation of type phone and a phone number was specified at the time the conversation was created., a unicode string
  • photo_url (String): The user’s photo, if one exists., a unicode string
  • type (StringChoice): The type of person., any of “user”, “customer”, “team”, Default: customer

Other Properties:

  • customer_person_type (dynamic Bool): customer boolean, a boolean

UTC time when this customer was created.


customer boolean




Email addresses for this person.


First name


Full name for the customer


Last name


UTC time when this customer was modified.


Phone is only populated when the Person is a customer associated with a Conversation of type phone and a phone number was specified at the time the conversation was created.


The user’s photo, if one exists.


The type of person.

class helpscout.models.Phone(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • location (StringChoice): Location for this phone number., any of “home”, “fax”, “mobile”, “pager”, “work”, “other”, Default: other
  • value (String): Phone Number, a unicode string

Location for this phone number.


Phone Number

class helpscout.models.Rating(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • comments (String): Additional comments, a unicode string
  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this rating was created., a datetime object
  • customer (Customer): Partial customer object., an instance of Customer
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • mailbox (MailboxRef): Reference to the mailbox that the conversation belongs to., an instance of MailboxRef
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this rating was modified., a datetime object
  • rating (StringChoice): Satisfaction rating., any of “Great”, “Okay”, “Bad”
  • thread_id (Integer): Thread ID, an integer
  • ticket_id (Integer): Ticket ID, an integer

Additional comments


UTC time when this rating was created.


Partial customer object.


Reference to the mailbox that the conversation belongs to.


UTC time when this rating was modified.


Satisfaction rating.


Thread ID


Ticket ID

class helpscout.models.SearchConversation(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.models.base_conversation.BaseConversation

This represents a conversation as returned by search results.

Required Properties:

  • customer_email (String): Email address of the customer, a unicode string
  • customer_name (String): Name of the customer this conversation is regarding., a unicode string
  • has_attachments (Bool): True when the conversation has at least one attachment., a boolean
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • mailbox_id (Integer): The ID of the mailbox this conversation is in., an integer
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when a user last modified this conversation., a datetime object
  • number (Integer): The conversation number displayed in the UI. This number can be used in combination with the id to construct a URI to the conversation on the Help Scout website. Example:<id>/<number>/, an integer
  • preview (String): Conversation preview., a unicode string
  • status (StringChoice): Status of the conversation., any of “active”, “pending”, “closed”, “spam”, Default: pending
  • subject (String): The subject of the conversation., a unicode string
  • thread_count (Integer): This count represents the number of published threads found on the conversation (it does not include line items, drafts or threads held for review by Traffic Cop)., an integer

Email address of the customer


Name of the customer this conversation is regarding.


True when the conversation has at least one attachment.


The ID of the mailbox this conversation is in.

class helpscout.models.SearchCustomer(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.models.person.Person

This represents a customer as returned by a search.

Required Properties:

  • age (String): Age (or age range) of this customer., a unicode string
  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this customer was created., a datetime object
  • email (String): Email, a unicode string
  • emails (a list of String): Email addresses for the customer., a list (each item is a unicode string)
  • first_name (String): First name, a unicode string
  • full_name (String): Full name for the customer, a unicode string
  • gender (StringChoice): Gender of this customer., any of “female”, “male”, “unknown”, Default: unknown
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • job_title (String): Job title at company/organization., a unicode string
  • last_name (String): Last name, a unicode string
  • location (String): Location, a unicode string
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this customer was modified., a datetime object
  • organization (String): Company/Organization the customer identifies with., a unicode string
  • phone (String): Phone is only populated when the Person is a customer associated with a Conversation of type phone and a phone number was specified at the time the conversation was created., a unicode string
  • photo_type (StringChoice): Type of photo., any of “unknown”, “gravatar”, “twitter”, “facebook”, “googleprofile”, “googleplus”, “linkedin”
  • photo_url (String): The user’s photo, if one exists., a unicode string
  • type (StringChoice): The type of person., any of “user”, “customer”, “team”, Default: customer

Other Properties:

  • customer_person_type (dynamic Bool): customer boolean, a boolean

Age (or age range) of this customer.


Email addresses for the customer.


Gender of this customer.


Job title at company/organization.




Company/Organization the customer identifies with.


Type of photo.

class helpscout.models.SocialProfile(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • type (StringChoice): Type of social profile., any of “twitter”, “facebook”, “linkedin”, “aboutme”, “google”, “googleplus”, “tungleme”, “quora”, “foursquare”, “youtube”, “flickr”, “other”, Default: other
  • value (String): Username, a unicode string

Type of social profile.



class helpscout.models.Source(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • type (StringChoice): The method from which this conversation (or thread) was created., any of “email”, “web”, “notification”, “emailfwd”, “api”, “chat”, Default: api
  • via (StringChoice): Indicates what type of entity this source represents (customer, user)., either “customer” or “user”

The method from which this conversation (or thread) was created.


Indicates what type of entity this source represents (customer, user).

class helpscout.models.Tag(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • color (Color): The tag color., a color
  • count (Integer): The number of times the tag is used., an integer
  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this tag was created., a datetime object
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this tag was modified., a datetime object
  • slug (String): Slugified version of the tag value., a unicode string
  • tag (String): The tag value., a unicode string

The tag color.


The number of times the tag is used.


UTC time when this tag was created.


UTC time when this tag was modified.


Slugified version of the tag value.


The tag value.

class helpscout.models.Thread(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • action_source_id (Integer): Associated with the action_type property.
  • If action_type is movedFromMailbox, this will be the id of the mailbox the conversation was moved from.
  • If action_type is merged, this will be the id of the original conversation.
  • If action_type is imported, this will be null.
  • If action_type is workflow, this will be the id of the workflow that was run.

, an integer * action_type (StringChoice): Describes an optional action associated with the line item., any of “movedFromMailbox”, “merged”, “imported”, “workflow”, “importedExternal”, “changedTicketCustomer”, “deletedTicket”, “restoredTicket”, “originalCreator” * assigned_to (Person): The Help Scout user assigned to this conversation., an instance of Person * attachments (a list of Attachment): Attachments, a list (each item is an instance of Attachment) * bcc (a list of String): BCC to, a list (each item is a unicode string) * body (String): Body text, a unicode string * cc (a list of String): CC to, a list (each item is a unicode string) * created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this thread was created., a datetime object * created_by (Person): The Person who created this thread. The type property will specify whether it was created by a user or a customer., an instance of Person * created_by_customer (Bool): Equivalent to created_by.type == "customer"., a boolean * customer (Person): If thread type is message, this is the customer associated with the conversation. If thread type is customer, this is the the customer who initiated the thread., an instance of Person * from_mailbox (MailboxRef): If the conversation was moved, this represents the MailboxRef from which it was moved., an instance of MailboxRef * id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer * opened_at (DateTime): UTC time when this thread was viewed by the customer. Only applies to threads with a type of message., a datetime object * saved_reply_id (Integer): ID of Saved reply that was used to create this Thread., an integer * source (Source): Origin of thread, an instance of Source * state (StringChoice): The state of the thread. A state of underreview means the thread has been stopped by Traffic Cop and is waiting to be confirmed (or discarded) by the person that created the thread. A state of hidden means the thread was hidden (or removed) from customer-facing emails., any of “published”, “draft”, “underreview”, “hidden” * status (StringChoice): Status of the thread., any of “nochange”, “active”, “pending”, “closed”, “spam” * to (a list of String): Email to, a list (each item is a unicode string) * type (StringChoice): The type of thread. A lineitem represents a change of state on the conversation. This could include, but not limited to, the conversation was assigned, the status changed, the conversation was moved from one mailbox to another, etc. A line item won’t have a body, to/cc/bcc lists, or attachments. When a conversation is forwarded, a new conversation is created to represent the forwarded conversation. forwardparent ``is the type set on the thread of the original conversation that initiated the forward event. ``forwardchild is the type set on the first thread of the new forwarded conversation., any of “lineitem”, “note”, “message”, “chat”, “customer”, “forwardparent”, “forwardchild”, “phone”


Associated with the action_type property.

  • If action_type is movedFromMailbox, this will be the id of the mailbox the conversation was moved from.
  • If action_type is merged, this will be the id of the original conversation.
  • If action_type is imported, this will be null.
  • If action_type is workflow, this will be the id of the workflow that was run.

Describes an optional action associated with the line item.


The Help Scout user assigned to this conversation.




BCC to


Body text


CC to


UTC time when this thread was created.


The Person who created this thread. The type property will specify whether it was created by a user or a customer.


Equivalent to created_by.type == "customer".


If thread type is message, this is the customer associated with the conversation. If thread type is customer, this is the the customer who initiated the thread.


If the conversation was moved, this represents the MailboxRef from which it was moved.


UTC time when this thread was viewed by the customer. Only applies to threads with a type of message.


ID of Saved reply that was used to create this Thread.


Origin of thread


The state of the thread. A state of underreview means the thread has been stopped by Traffic Cop and is waiting to be confirmed (or discarded) by the person that created the thread. A state of hidden means the thread was hidden (or removed) from customer-facing emails.


Status of the thread.


Email to


The type of thread. A lineitem represents a change of state on the conversation. This could include, but not limited to, the conversation was assigned, the status changed, the conversation was moved from one mailbox to another, etc. A line item won’t have a body, to/cc/bcc lists, or attachments. When a conversation is forwarded, a new conversation is created to represent the forwarded conversation. forwardparent ``is the type set on the thread of the original conversation that initiated the forward event. ``forwardchild is the type set on the first thread of the new forwarded conversation.

class helpscout.models.User(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.models.person.Person

Required Properties:

  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this customer was created., a datetime object
  • email (String): Email, a unicode string
  • emails (a list of String): Email addresses for this person., a list (each item is a unicode string)
  • first_name (String): First name, a unicode string
  • full_name (String): Full name for the customer, a unicode string
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • last_name (String): Last name, a unicode string
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this customer was modified., a datetime object
  • phone (String): Phone is only populated when the Person is a customer associated with a Conversation of type phone and a phone number was specified at the time the conversation was created., a unicode string
  • photo_url (String): The user’s photo, if one exists., a unicode string
  • role (StringChoice): Role of this user., any of “owner”, “admin”, “user”
  • timezone (String): Name of the user’s time zone., a unicode string
  • type (StringChoice): The type of user., either “user” or “team”

Other Properties:

  • customer_person_type (dynamic Bool): customer boolean, a boolean

Role of this user.


Name of the user’s time zone.


The type of user.

class helpscout.models.WebHook(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • events (a list of StringChoice): The events to subscribe to., a list (each item is any of “convo.agent.reply.created” (An agent replied to the conversation.), “convo.assigned” (Conversation was assigned.), “convo.created” (Conversation was created.), “convo.customer.reply.created” (The customer replied to the conversation.), “convo.deleted” (Conversation was deleted.), “convo.merged” (Conversation was merged.), “convo.moved” (Conversation was moved.), “convo.note.created” (A note was added to the conversation.), “convo.status” (Conversation status was updated.), “convo.tags” (Conversation tags were updated.), “customer.created” (A customer was created.), “satisfaction.ratings” (A rating was received.))
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • secret_key (String): A randomly-generated (by you) string of 40 characters or less used to create signatures for each webhook method. Help Scout uses this secret key to generate a signature for each webhook message. When the message is received at your callback URL, you can calculate a signature and compare to the one Help Scout sends. If the signatures match, you know it’s from Help Scout., a unicode string
  • url (String): The callback URL where Help Scout will post your webhook events. This is the script or location where you’ll handle the data received from Help Scout., a unicode string

The events to subscribe to.


A randomly-generated (by you) string of 40 characters or less used to create signatures for each webhook method. Help Scout uses this secret key to generate a signature for each webhook message. When the message is received at your callback URL, you can calculate a signature and compare to the one Help Scout sends. If the signatures match, you know it’s from Help Scout.


The callback URL where Help Scout will post your webhook events. This is the script or location where you’ll handle the data received from Help Scout.

class helpscout.models.WebHookEvent(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • event_type (StringChoice): The event type that this object represents., any of “convo.agent.reply.created” (An agent replied to the conversation.), “convo.assigned” (Conversation was assigned.), “convo.created” (Conversation was created.), “convo.customer.reply.created” (The customer replied to the conversation.), “convo.deleted” (Conversation was deleted.), “convo.merged” (Conversation was merged.), “convo.moved” (Conversation was moved.), “convo.note.created” (A note was added to the conversation.), “convo.status” (Conversation status was updated.), “convo.tags” (Conversation tags were updated.), “customer.created” (A customer was created.), “satisfaction.ratings” (A rating was received.)
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • record (BaseModel): The parsed data record that was received in the request., an instance of BaseModel

The event type that this object represents.


The parsed data record that was received in the request.

class helpscout.models.Website(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • value (String): URI, a unicode string


class helpscout.models.Workflow(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: helpscout.base_model.BaseModel

Required Properties:

  • created_at (DateTime): UTC time when this workflow was created., a datetime object
  • id (Integer): Unique identifier, an integer
  • mailbox_id (Integer): The mailbox ID that this workflow is associated with., an integer
  • modified_at (DateTime): UTC time when this workflow was modified., a datetime object
  • name (String): Workflow name., a unicode string
  • order (Integer): The order of the workflow., an integer, Default: 1
  • status (StringChoice): The status of the workflow., any of “active”, “inactive”, “invalid”, Default: invalid
  • type (StringChoice): The type of workflow., either “automatic” or “manual”, Default: manual

UTC time when this workflow was created.


The mailbox ID that this workflow is associated with.


UTC time when this workflow was modified.


Workflow name.


The order of the workflow.


The status of the workflow.


The type of workflow.