Source code for helpscout.models.person

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-TODAY LasLabs Inc.
# License MIT (

import properties

from .. import BaseModel

[docs]class Person(BaseModel): """This is a subset of the data representing a Customer, User or Team. The ``type`` property will specify if this person is represented by a ``user``, ``customer`` or ``team``. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): value = kwargs.pop('customer_person_type', False) self.type = 'customer' if value else 'user' return super(Person, self).__init__(**kwargs) full_name = properties.String( 'Full name for the customer', ) first_name = properties.String( 'First name', required=True, ) last_name = properties.String( 'Last name', required=True, ) email = properties.String( 'Email', ) emails = properties.List( 'Email addresses for this person.', prop=properties.String( 'Email Address', ), ) phone = properties.String( 'Phone is only populated when the Person is a customer associated ' 'with a Conversation of type ``phone`` and a phone number was ' 'specified at the time the conversation was created.', ) type = properties.StringChoice( 'The type of person.', choices=['user', 'customer', 'team'], default='customer', required=True, ) photo_url = properties.String( 'The user\'s photo, if one exists.', ) created_at = properties.DateTime( 'UTC time when this customer was created.', ) modified_at = properties.DateTime( 'UTC time when this customer was modified.', ) @properties.Bool('customer boolean') def customer_person_type(self): return self.type == 'customer' @customer_person_type.setter def customer_person_type(self, value): self.type = 'customer' if value else 'user'