Source code for helpscout.models.web_hook

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-TODAY LasLabs Inc.
# License MIT (

import properties

from .. import BaseModel
from .web_hook_event import event_type

[docs]class WebHook(BaseModel): url = properties.String( 'The callback URL where Help Scout will post your webhook events. ' 'This is the script or location where you\'ll handle the data ' 'received from Help Scout.', required=True, ) secret_key = properties.String( 'A randomly-generated (by you) string of 40 characters or less used ' 'to create signatures for each webhook method. Help Scout uses this ' 'secret key to generate a signature for each webhook message. When ' 'the message is received at your callback URL, you can calculate a ' 'signature and compare to the one Help Scout sends. If the ' 'signatures match, you know it\'s from Help Scout.', required=True, ) events = properties.List( 'The events to subscribe to.', prop=event_type, )